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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Been fishing them that way - including the gliders - since the late '80's here out West.
  2. My opinion is that you're up too late. If you wish to go the scientific route to find "answers" - good luck. Scientists are always challenging the facts. Constantly debating the methodologies, depth of research, and statistical relevance of the "answers", despite mounds of data that all say the same thing. They're never satisfied with the "answers". Instead, they're content with finding what they perceive are "flaws" in the "answers". Have fun with that.
  3. Cliff Pace broke his leg this weekend, effectively eliminating him from this year's Classic. More info.... http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_123/classic-cliff-pace-12714.html
  4. B.A.S.S. eliminated the WBT under protests that it gave women an unfair advantage for entry to the Classic. However the LBAA is still running as an alternate - although there isn't an automatic entry to the Classic for the champion. Ironically, B.A.S.S. now has the college series, where the champion has an automatic berth to the Classic. I'm not sure why that's acceptable whereas before it wasn't. I mean, it still gives exclusive privileges to a select group of anglers.
  5. Ok, I can add one back - but only one. You guys decide.
  6. Welcome home!
  7. Welcome home!
  8. That's me. Actually, I removed, or greatly reduced, the pulldown menus on the navigation bar in order to improve usability. Funny thing is, I did that almost 2 weeks ago. However, I just recently pared down the forum pulldown menu. I was waiting to see if anyone said anything. Note that i did not remove any pages or forums. I simply reduced the navigation choices.
  9. Check out Keri's review of the Pinnacle Tournament Class Perfecta DHC5 micro guide rod, paired with the Optimus XT spinning reel! http://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/pinnacle-perfecta-optimus-review.html
  10. Well how cool is that? Congrats! At least I'll see you at the Classic.
  11. For most people, there's a moment (or more) in life that validates your own cockiness, your own 'told- you- so' moment. It feels good... right up until you're brought back down to Earth. Sylvester Stallone talked about exactly that recently. He admits that he became a turbo-jerk after the release and subsequent success of "Rocky". For the next two years he was, in his own words, "insufferable". Then he released a movie called "Paradise Alley" that bombed bigger than Hiroshima. As he put it, he went to the screening and there were exactly two people in the audience... and one of them was asleep. These things happen. More recently, Justin Bieber has been using his fame to live stupidly, but he may have overstepped his "celebrities- can- get- away- with- anything card" when he was videotaped egging his neighbor's house. Yes, of all the things he could do to get into legitimate trouble, it's egging a house. Doesn't really seem like a big deal until you consider that 11 L.A. County Sherriff's cars showed up at his place, bashed in his door with a battering ram and served the Biebs with a FELONY search warrant. So far, the only casualty has been his friend who was blowing lines of coke when the cops showed up. These things happen. Anyway, for once, he might face the same realities the rest of us do. Aw, who am I kidding? He won't, but maybe he'll learn something from all of this. Again, who am I kidding? Today's question: WHEN DID YOU REALIZE THAT YOU WEREN'T 'ALL THAT AND A BAG OF CHIPS'?
  12. I agree, Robert. From the coaches on down, there's no love-loss there. The Niner's are a talented team and fought hard. Both teams are at the top of their game right now. In my mind, the real Superbowl was last night. I've been saying all season that whomever wins the NFC title will go on to win the Superbowl (sorry Broncos fans), and that was well before I knew who the teams were going to be. Anyway, Robert - the rivalry between Crabtree and Sherman go further back than last week's comments by Crabtree. Take a look: http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-am/0ap2000000315587/Real-reason-behind-Sherman-s-outburst Also, for anyone who wants to hate the Hawks because of Sherman's mouth - hate the player, not the team. Sherman was emotional and in "game mode", so they caught him at a bad moment. The rest of the players had nothing but praise for the 49'rs despite the rivalry. Most of the Hawks were late drafts or undrafted free agents, so they worked their butts off to make it to the big game, and they don't forget where they came from - they're quite humble, as well as active in the community. For example, Russel Wilson visits the local Children's Hospital every week with his wife without fail. So be upset with Sherman for letting his emotions get to him on camera, but don't place that burden on the whole team.
  13. Welcome Home!
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  18. Actually now I am hearing the media talk about how Crabtree started it, and then Sherman ended it. I'm also interested to see what the NFL does about the cheap shot taken by a person on the 49'r sideline in street clothes. They clotheslined Jeremy Lane during a punt play as he ran down the sideline.
  19. Ya, one guy shoves another and then the other guy retaliates...then everyone thinks the guy who retaliates is the jerk. Crabtree opened his trap a few days ago and dissed Sherman. Funny how nobody is mentioning that.
  20. Check this out: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing_lures/op30-dhc5-review.html What are your thoughts?
  21. Welcome home!
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