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  1. Welcome home!
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  3. Glenn

    New From Sc

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  8. Welcome home!
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  10. Welcome home!
  11. Welcome home!
  12. Welcome home!
  13. This is brain-dead easy to enter. http://www.booyahbaits.com/truck?utm_source=bassresource&utm_medium=728x90&utm_campaign=booyahtruck
  14. Very close. It's from impromptu theater, where there is no script. The actors are making it up as they go, ergo nobody knows where it's going or how it will end. At some point, they'll reach a point that's a suitable ending. That's when the director will say, "And scene". It's mostly used in comedy improv. If you've ever saw, "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" on TV, that's about it.
  15. If you could find out how many times you've done a certain thing or how many times a certain thing has been done to you, what would that thing be? Some examples might be, 'how many people actually love you', and 'the number of times you've been right or wrong in an argument'. Let's face it, there are plenty of other things you might want to know about yourself; how many times you've flexed or danced in front of a mirror, how many times you've loaned money and didn't get paid back, or how many people are jealous of you and why. Today we wanted to know: IF YOU COULD SEE ONE STATISTIC ABOUT YOURSELF, WHAT WOULD IT BE?
  16. This is going to go pages and pages, just like this thread: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/74381-fish-feel-pain/ So, you might want to read through it first.
  17. The Bullet XRS was designed for the tournament angler by tournament anglers. The XRS is a custom boat designed around you. This is not a generic setup that meets the needs of the masses. Check it out! http://bulletboats.com/
  18. And scene. This topic is not in the spirit of this site. Bashing people is discouraged.
  19. I texted and called you, but no reply. So Gene, Bighead, Chad and I all went to that BBQ place we went to at the last Classic in Birmingham. However the place was jammed packed and had an hour wait. So we went to a nearby Tex-Mex joint.
  20. Have you tried replacing the bulb yet? Start simple, work backwards.
  21. The weigh-in on the last day was r-e-a-l-l-y d-r-a-w-n o-u-t. It was a good 2 hour show stretched out to nearly 5 hours.
  22. Had a great time hanging out with Bighead and his son Chad, Bass Angler Magazine, Hank Parker, Bill Dance, Booyah, Sure-Life, Power-Pole, Hobie, Big-O, Mike Bucca, Seaguar, and many, many more! However i missed out on meeting any members aside from who I listed above. I'm a bit bummed about that. I know the Hawgtech crew was on the floor, but I missed them too. Then again, I was busy videotaping all over the place (new videos to be posted soon!). We'll see you guys at the RoadTrip!
  23. Here's an unorthodox way to learn grammar and writing: find a couple of good books and magazines, and then re-type chapters and articles, word-by-word. It will force you slow down and pay close attention to the words, styles, spellings, structure, formatting....everything. Not mention it will help improve your typing skills! To be sure, it's an unusual way to learn, but it works. That said, I recommend you do this as a component of your overall education. It's a means to assimilate what you learn into real-world examples from professional writers and authors. Hope that helps!
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