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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. Welcome Home!
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  6. Nope, and that's why you can't.
  7. Per our forum policies:
  8. They retail for $595, all-inclusive.
  9. Beyond a doubt that's a Bass Hunter boat. I know several people that have had them, and have fished out of them. The models vary year-to-year, and that one is an older model. I don't know what year, however. Looks late '80's early 90's. But I'm not sure.
  10. Man, that is tough. I know how tough it is. My stepmother is suffering from dementia and has terminal cancer. It's really, really hard to watch her fade away from us. I do what I can, but it will never be enough. My sister's employer is more understanding, and allows her to take enormous time off to help my dad with my stepmom's health issues. I applaud your efforts.
  11. Yup, it was removed a few months ago. You're the first to mention it. That's how underutilized it was. It seems the ladies would rather participate along with everyone else, rather than having their own forum. Who knew? We did, however, save the threads and moved them to other existing forums.
  12. Mariah Carey is the quintessential diva; self- absorbed, unaware, vapid and, as divas are known to do, named her six dogs names that speak to her diva- ness. They are Muttley, Cha- Cha, Squeaky Beans, Jilly Beans, Pippity and The Reverend Pow Jackson. I think we can all agree that her husband, Nick Cannon, came up with the last name. But I digress. So, as much as I'm poking fun at these silly names, I'm in no position to criticize; I named my childhood dog Harry Dumptruck, and my wife, Keri, had a cat named Weirdo. We also named our truck, "Jeb". A buddy of mine had a dog named GDAD (God Da*n, Another Dog), and a cat named ADA (Another Dam* Animal). People name their pets, cars, guns, musical instruments, body parts, etc. So today's question is: WHAT SPECIAL NAME DO YOU HAVE FOR THAT SPECIAL SOMETHING?
  13. It is a "1940's & 50's phrase used to describe an event or situation with a disastrous conclusion." (from the Urban Dictionary)
  14. Beat me to it! That thar is your problem. Your nut is loose or missing. You have to put that baby on there with LocTight or it will work its way loose.
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