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BassResource.com Administrator
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Everything posted by Glenn

  1. This is turning into a He Said, She Said circular argument. Take it to PM's guys and hash it out there if you want to keep going round and round..
  2. There's been another multiple shooting at Ft. Hood. Sounds like 1 confirmed dead and multiple injuries.
  3. Really guys? I hate it when I have to treat grown adults like children. Geez folks, who gives a crap about who owns what? It makes no difference in my boat, nor should it with you. There's bigger things to worry about. Simple. Let's move on.
  4. Yep, I've used it a lot. It's great line. Super strong and easy to cast. It's not wirey like other braids. The coating can sometimes come off, but it doesn't affect the strength of the line at all. The coating helps improve casting by enabling the line to glide through the eyelets. That's its sole purpose. So it won't hurt it if it wears off. If it bothers you, just cut the line above it and keep fishing.
  5. Hey folks that are going, the banquet/raffle night (Saturday) is $18 per plate, tax and gratuity included all-inclusive (well...BYOB). Please let me know NOW if you're not able to attend, as we need a head count. Thanks!
  6. Go see a chiropractor.
  7. I just bought a new one.
  8. Cue all the prostaffers in 3...2.... LOL!
  9. Never heard of it.
  10. Yes, Keri and I will be there.
  11. Pics? would that be fish-n-chips?
  12. Oh...and also, by the way, it's the reason I have the Lowrance weather module attached to my Lowrance units. It will warn you of lightening strikes within 10 miles of your location by sounding loud alarms. It can seem like an unnecessary gimmick, but when you hear of stories like this, it's money well spent.
  13. And wouldn't you know it....BassResource published an article over a decade ago about a guy who got struck by lightening while fishing and lived to tell about it. Here it is, through his own eyes: http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/lightening_fishing.html
  14. The 4-month-old's body was found today, not far from her grandmother's body, who was babysitting her. Current tally: 25 dead, 90 more missing, with another 35 who authorities are unsure were in the area when the hillside collapsed.
  15. Does it show up under menu> menu>Network>Device list? If not, hit "refresh list" and see if it shows up. Also, are you certain the transducer is working and has the temp option?
  16. It has to be below 10 volts before you have any problems. Usually the unit just powers down when that happens.
  17. Go to menu> menu>Network>data sources>sonar and hit "menu" again, then select "local". Then see if it shows up under menu> menu>Network>data sources>sonar>water temp To perform a soft boot, with unit off, press and hold Pages, press and release PWR. Continue to hold Pages until unit boots up completely.
  18. It's been discussed many times: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/131876-bassresource-have-you-ever-considered-creating-an-app/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/124864-bass-resource-app-for-mobile-devices/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/123107-bassresource-app-for-cellphones/ http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/120771-bass-reasourse/
  19. THAT, is awesome. Thanks for sharing!
  20. Well guys, as with a lot of sponsors here, I evaluated Mike and his work before going forward with him becoming a sponsor. Really a sponsorship is an endorsement of BassResource as much as it's an endorsement of the sponsor. I want to ensure that if BassResource sends members to a sponsor, they'll be confident the product and service will be top-notch. Simply put, Mike and his work exceeds expectations. An no, I'm not just saying that. I BOUGHT over 50 jigs from Mike, because they're just that good. The paint is hard to chip, the hooks won't bend easily, and the wire-tied skirts just adds to the durability. I put jigs in places most people are afraid to go. Suffice to say, I beat the snot out my jigs. Most of Siebert's jigs still look new, despite the rigorous workouts I give them. Not only that, but he has custom colors that perfectly match RageTail plastics! How cool is that? You can perfectly match your jigs and trailers for an unbelievable fish-catching machine. Bass just crush 'em!
  21. Final episode is live! Watch it now! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/project-z-3.html
  22. Just put this into perspective, the death toll is likely to be higher than the deaths caused by the massive E5 tornado that ripped through Moore OK last year.
  23. ^^ This ^^ Oh, and he has kids too.
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