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    South Dakota

BassMaster_17's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Black and blue colored softbaits always have produced for me here in SD, jigs, worms, craws ect!!!!!!! Get urself a few bags and you should see results.........GL
  2. Living 60 miles from a town with store other than a local general merchandise store, so you take what you can get when you can get it. Especially wth todays gas prices. In due time there will be some darker, rocks and some fake weeds but for now he/ she is fine. She swims up to the side of the tank whenever someone approches it, its not like she sees a shadow and scatters and trys to hide. She loves the attention. No,...it's starving and has associated your approach with "food". Put it in it's natural environment and see which of us is right. I'm thinking it won't hang around at your ankles waiting for more "attention". I hate being hard on someone but you clearly haven't taken the time to educate yourself on this subject yet have gone ahead and harvested a wild game fish anyway. To me, that's just irresponsible. There are scenarios/situations where bass are fine in captivity, yours is not one of them. LMAO, it dont get food everytime someone walks up to the tank.....LOL Its funny how people seem to think a animal or fish cant have a personality, I believe Leroy Brown did (the 1lb BassTom Mann added to his pool of much lafger bass) In Mann's Words he DOMINATED his new home. In the 8 years he taugt him to jump through hoops and eat live bait from his hand and became a attraction at Tom Mann's fish world and even eclipsed his owners notoriety. Not that my fish will ever do tha but hey are not the impersonible objects that just bite our lures, as most would think. The fish has clear water, more food than it cares to eat, and plenty of space, just like a most gold fish, pirahnas or other fish people have in there tanks & i don't see the negativity in them being owned. Anyway i am done with the negativity if you dont like it FINE good for you, the fish is not going anywhere but to a bigger tank soon to live its life (with probably a couple more bass) 1 year 10 years who knows. Thanx for telling me how, dumb, irresponsible and uncool i am though!!! Also i am glad to hear from the people who enjoy it as much as i do. Its all good
  3. Were talking 1932 people, what standards from 1932 are still the standard today?????? We learn as time goes on and improve so todays standards are much higher. Heck i bet some of the presidential elections from that era would not be accepted by todays standards. Point being laws and regulations & standards change as time moves on, what worked 20 years ago probably dont work today. It is what it is (22.04), leave it as is and catch one bigger and do what needs to be DONE to get it in the BOOKS. Its my belief that if we could take our Modern Equipt with the fishing knowlwdge we have now back to the 20's -40's 22.04 would be a top 25 fish, if even that. Think abt those times how many people fished for trophys back then, or even fished those lakes. In the first 1/3 of the decade about every lake was untapped waters, by having very little fishng pressure at all if any, & that leads to some huge fish. Most who fished only fished for food so who knows how many fish that were 25+ were caught by natives or peeps just feeding there familys and could care less abt telling anyone about it, they just wanted there bellys FULL. Fancy Lures and boats were fairly rare at that time also, so them fish were only used to seeing primative gear and modern equipt gave you a huge advantage. Ya on paper for our MODERN DAY record books it hasnt produced a fish over 18lbs but who knows how many Georgia (or any state for tha matter) produced before people cared how big they were. We need to compare apples to apples and not compare those fishing times to todays high pressure times where a fish in place that only under perfect conditons and no predators (mainly us fisherman) prevent them from reaching its maximum potential size. There are tons of places today that don't produce fish like they used to, and tons that are better. Talk to your elders that fish they can shed some light on that. Two of our best bass fisheries here in the 80's and early 90's are gone due to drought and other circumstances, very sad but true. Now ur lucky to catch a carp out of them. So in Cali you have to kill your fish b4 you can leave the lake? (if so it doesnt suprise me from a state that tells you and actually monitors how your thermostat is set and for how long when heating and cooling your OWN HOME) You cant leave it alive in your livewell so it stays fresh to till you get home to fillet it? If thats the case i hope and pray the Cali boys keep falling short like they have been, because a state that micromanages its citzens that much dont deserve the record. The next WR needs to be on Public display somewhere & not property of the state of cali. As avid and obsessed with catching this fish as the boys in SOW BELLY are and others that are unknowns i cannot believe each and every one of them do not have a special live well on there boat to keep a fish of this caliber alive for weeks let alone till the DNR or GFP arrive with a certified scale. After the catch its always a couple quick pics and a quick weight on a UNCERTIFIED scale then i had to let it go.... Why do you take the fish out of the lake in your boat have it weighed and pics taken & not get the fish validated by the GFP????? It don't add up. I dont believe for 1 min any of those obsessed anglers are gonna release that WR so there competition can catch it next month (they all have to big of a ego for that). Had any been over 22.04 (the last 3 or 4 caught had stories or things that didnt add up) It would have made the books and been on a wall or in a tank already. Thats why todays standards are so high to make it ROCK SOLID and have no uncertainty in it, Which there will be until that fish is at a lab gone over by a state biologist.
  4. Living 60 miles from a town with store other than a local general merchandise store, so you take what you can get when you can get it. Especially wth todays gas prices. In due time there will be some darker, rocks and some fake weeds but for now he/ she is fine. She swims up to the side of the tank whenever someone approches it, its not like she sees a shadow and scatters and trys to hide. She loves the attention.
  5. 7'6" swimbait rod, 50# braid & swimbait, pretty generic and acceptible you dont have to be brand specific to my knwledge & if you do have the fish cetified by the proper peeps, retake possesion of the live fish get ur agent, work the deals then submit the paperwork. Keep your leverage until you have your marketing strategy and agent ready.
  6. Think of the public Draw it would bring to Cabelas or BPS to have that fish in there tank, people would come in DROVES & thats probably 1 million right there for one of them to add the fish to there tank. Then yor marketing approach depends on how many more millions you make, hiring a agent for you and the fish is a must.
  7. $5 buys a ton of minnows a week, plus worms and frogs are just a walk out my back door. Most people spend 20-40 a week on beer or 5-10$ a day on tobacco well i dont do either so this is my habit if you want to call it that.
  8. : Nice fish Bassmaster! : After Doing plenty of research the little 6 inch bass has a year in the 25 al tank at least, but b4 a year he/she will be in a 200-250 gal tank. Go into Cabelas or BPS and tell them they are not cool for having a school of 10 5lb fish in 1 500 gal tank. For the record i realized it was dumb to try to be cool and quit trying to be cool 20 years ago in High School so if i don't fit into the clique or am not thought of as cool WHO CARES!!!! I do what i like and like what i do and if others don't like it oh well thats there choice, & if they do like it COOL!! THANX to all who posted!!!
  9. While your at it don't forget to run some plastic pvc pipe down each side (one for pos and one for neg wires & drill a few din holes in the bottom side to let moisture out) & fiberglass that in for electrical wires and such (makes running wires so much easier), i would also plumb in my live well stuff along with a drain for a cooler (run it to the back of the boat where the main drain plug and bilge will be located) since the process you are using will make a perfect built in cooler some place in the boat. Please post pics of ur build process. Good Luck!!!!
  10. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v285/No_Ice_Kustoms/Big%20Show/?action=view&current=DSCF5989.flv Sure is fun to watch, i can sit and watch him/her for hrs.......LOL Feeding time is the best
  11. Put decks in it and use 20oz MARINE carpet and it should last you a long time(5-10 years). If you store the boat inside or cover it from the elements when not in use along with Vacuuming it after each outing it will last a LONG LONG TIME. I wouldnt worry abt hooks snagging it either unless you use SHAG....LOL Rhino Lining would be good for a old aluminum boat resto to seal it but then i would still deck and carpet over the top of it.
  12. Around 24hrs total to this point here, i got the front deck extened now (will post some pics soon) and that took abt 10 hrs of here and there work i never got to just work on it solid probably could have knocked it out in 8hrs of solid work. Total hrs are around 34 hrs total not bad considering the condition it was in when i got it.
  13. From what I've heard he was accused of weighting the fish with lead in the gullet and his records were stripped but then reliable witnesses cast doubt upon the accusers so his record was re-instated. -shore That wasn't George Perry. You're thinking of the world record smallmouth and DL Hayes. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/fishing/columns/story?columnist=wilson_taylor&page=g_col_Wilson_smallie_record_turns-50 You're right it was Hayes. :-? Perrys Record was scrutinized because he and his FAMILY ATE THE FISH!!!!
  14. You need to keep the fish alive after catching it at no matter what you have to do, that fish is worth more alive than DEAD can u imagine what BPS or Cabelas would pay to have that fish swimming in one of there store aquariums???? I have heard stories that cabelas has paid 1 million for one of a kind record deer racks so imagine what a WR LMB would be worth ALIVE AND SWIMMING IN A TANK, CHA CHING!!! A fish of that caliber needs to be in a place millions of people can observe it + you secure your record for awhile from not allowing it not to be caught again 4oz bigger and having your marketability stolen away from you. Some may call that selfish but in reality it MARKETING!! The interviews and speaking appearences would pay a nice chunk also, not to mention all the tackle and boat & truck companies wanting to associate that BIG BASS with there products. Heck if you are smart you give that bass a personality and market it (it was done with a Bucking bull in the late 90's Remember BODACIOUS that bull had his own agent and sold millions of dollars in merchandise, more memorbilia than alot of human athletes) and sell t-shirts, coffe cups, coolies, put its picture on anything you can, heck the fish could even have his own line of tackle with his name one it. If you made less than 3 million in cash and tackle you would be selling yourself short. With that said that means the WR is caught in the USA. Alot of people feel it will come out of CUBA or another country south of the equator where the bass can grow 12 months a year if that happens the marketabilty may be hard to accomplish.
  15. While we are on the subject of bringing this Sport to another level, lets get them to fishing 25-30 tourneys a year From Jan till Nov with the Classic being in NOV. Make them fish during all phases of the year instead of picking the easy picking times. I want to see who is the best when the spawn is on and when the heat is at 105 and then when there are snowflakes falling the temp is 30 degrees. In those conditions you have a TRUE ELITE Series that proves who the best is in all phases of fishing. I have all the respect for these fisherman and i know they just fish when they are told to but i want to see more from them and the series.
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