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  • Birthday 08/21/1976

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Fry (1/9)



  1. Well officially got boat yesterday and will post pics as is now, dont know how long it will take to complete mods($$$) but atleast have a pond hopper for now, nothing wrong with that in South GA. Not trying to sound stupid but I am not understanding how and where you attache braces for decking, is it through the bench seats or what, also use decking screws or what.
  2. Great Thanks, What type of material do you use to attach the wood to the aluminum?
  3. Thanks to all. what are pros and cons of a v hull, I am in the south and everyone here seems to swear by flat bottoms, all the research I have done does not seem to be a big difference, from what I have read the Vhull is better for rough water, but I am going to be in the river and lakes/ponds. Does it make that big of a difference either way or it is more preference. Smokepole that thing looks good
  4. Also wondering how to attach supports to boat?
  5. Would like any ideas, pictures etc. on how to mod a 14' aluminum v hull. I am primarily going to use it in avg. size ponds/lakes, and rivers in South Ga. for bass fishing, limb lines, trout lines. Any help /suggestions would be great. Thank you
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