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Everything posted by zrt594

  1. I thought tracker made a bass boat with a mercury jet drive in it. I remember seeing it a Bass Pro 4 or 5 years ago. This was an inboard jet drive like a Sea-Doo jet boat. It had I believe 2.0L or 2.5L mercury V6 in, I wanna say a 17 or 18 foot aluminum boat. I don't remember the name but I do remember the boat. That would be the $hit!!
  2. I had to replace the boards on my trailer and I did it in the driveway with the boat on the trailer. All you need is a couple of jack stands and a jack to get the boat up. I just used the tongue jack on the trailer. Lower the tongue as low as you can, place jack stands or blocks as high as you can get them under the transom, raise the front of the trailer as high as you can and block up the keel. Then lower the trailer and the boat should be off the trailer enough to roll it out from under it. This worked quite well on my 14 foot sea doo jet boat weighing ~1800 lbs. When you are done just reverse the process.
  3. My daughter (4) caught her first bass this past weekend. She has been casting with me since she was 2 but I never gave her a hook until this year, just tied a soft plastic bait to her line for safty reasons. Anyways last friday when we got to the cottage she wanted to fish from the dock so I tied a hook on her line, pinched the barb off just in case and gave her one of my soft creature baits. On her third cast she hooked into about a 15 inch bass all by herself and managed to reel in the fish even after it ripped the reel off of her princess pole. I have since bought her a nice 5 ft Zebco that should be more robust for the rest of the fish she is bound to catch. My only regret is not having a camera with me to record this momentus occasion. Needless to say I am one proud Dad!!
  4. I used to have a 36 endura tiller on my 14 foot sea doo jet boat and it pulled that boat without a problem. I have since upgraded to a 40 edge foot control and WOW what a difference. Much easier to handle in the wind and the extra 4 lbs of thrust pulls it much better.
  5. Try using some of the aluminum wheel cleaner for the wheels on your car. Not sure what it will do to the paint so you may want to try it in a small area before you do the boat, but I use it on my fiberglass jet boat and it works great and doesn't seem to hurt the gel coat. I use the Eagle I in the black bottle and takes the scum right off. Spray on and rinse off with very little elbow grease except for the really gunked up spots. Otherwise I have found that extra strength Fantastic works but it takes some rubbing.
  6. Anyone have any plans for the opener this saturday? Suppose to be a really nice day. Me and my brother will probably head over to Kent Lake. Any other suggestions for this early in the season?
  7. If you can get in the GM Tech Center in Warren has a really nice pond along mound road that is full of LMB. Nothing to go in there for an hour and catch 5 or 6 two to three pounders.
  8. I have an eagle something, it is about 4 yrs old, mounted on the back of my jet boat and I don't have a problem with it not reading at speeds. At least not up to about 35 or 40. What I have found is that if you can mount it lower and into clean water that really helps. I have mine mounted on a plate that I can slide up and down and I have found that mounted up where it would normally be on the transom I do get interference from turbulance but slid down as far as it goes, which is probably about 3/4 to and inch below where it would be mounted on the transom it is fine.
  9. 6.5lb Large Mouth out of the pond at the GM Tech Center
  10. I don't know about you guys but I currently fish out of a 14 Sea Doo Challenger jet drive. It only draws about 8 inches of water and with the TM mount I made for the front and the removeable mount for my electronics it does all I need. Plus you get an elevated casting deck on top of the engine hatch and the bow seat makes a great place to stand, cast and work the TM, it is a great boat for two guys to fish out of.
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