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Everything posted by zellamander

  1. Wagn, I've asked the same question about why not just a speed limit instead of a hp limit on the lake. They can't answer the question.
  2. 1, I'd rather you not call me kid. I've fought cancer for 2 years of my life, I'm 19 years old and have already graduated college. I've lived on my own since I was 16 years old and my mother and father told me that they didn't want me. So please, don't call me a kid. 2, Put your son or daughter in that place, I bet you're a big shot and would press charges if it where your daughter, but I bet you'd be in the corner crying your eyes out if it where your son. Right?!?! Wyatts dad: I'm not saying it is ok for a 200 hp motor to go out there and go on full plane, but there should be nothing wrong with a boater in any boat able to do the same speed that a 10 hp motor could do. Put yourself in a full size boat with a big motor all trimmed up, here you are trying to get over to the other side of the lake with your trolling motor, and here comes a jon boat with a 10 hp motor on it flying past you and boom, you are stuck. If your are going to allow some, you need to allow all. I don't see why a lot of you don't see that a simple SPEED LIMIT would solve the problem.
  3. Ouch on the divorce Catt! FFD: I went from the john boat to my champion with a 150 merc on it. When I full throttled that I had to let off of it at first because it scared me. haha, Now i want to go faster!
  4. To be honest with you, there is a decent rod and reel combo at Walmart. It is a quantum tournament series baitcast reel and a quantum tournament trail rod. It's like $60 and it lasts for ever. I've had mine for probably 5 years. As far as baits, I have never fished in Florida, so i'm not sure there, so i don't want to tell you anything wrong. This forum is filled with amazing information, and amazing guys and gals that know what they are talking about!
  5. Ok, I'll try to tamper with it this weekend, my next time on the water will be thursday at a bass tourny, and i dont' want to mess with it then. Can't catch fish messing with the motor! haha.
  6. Wayne P, disregard my first comment on my last post. You beat me too it. haha. Also, you said that you can do 25 mph on the water with that motor, now I ask you this. Leave the law out of it for this question: IF YOU CAN GO 25 MPH WITH YOUR 10HP MOTOR, WHY CAN'T I GOT 25 MPH WITH MY 200HP MOTOR? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? Since this is America, we have the right to speak, and the right to protest. So laws may be protested. In my opinion and many others, just because it is a law, doesn't make it right. Do you disagree? If you disagree then listen to this. This is completely off the subject but it reprsents a law that i feel is not right. A friend of mine met a girl in high school and they began to date. He was 17 and she was 15. They dated for a year and they began to sleep with eachother. Everything was consentual. Unfortunately she got pregnant with his kid, and him being 18, and her just a few days from 16, he is going to spend 10 in Federal Prison for statutory "rape", be on the sex offenders list for the rest of his life, and never be able to see his kids, go to football games, kids plays, anything. All this as the girl is fighting desperately to save her boyfriend from this. The state found out, and put him in this. Do you agree with that law?
  7. First off Wayne P hasn't answered my questions about what he said. He claimed he had an outbourd on his john, and he never use to until he fished that lake, and that he can run 25 mph... does anybody see a contradiction here? I have family that live in Ohio, and if I myself lived in that state, I would disagree, and protest the no rifle law. That to me, seems like it was another person whining about another sport. Not pointing fingers at you, or anybody personally but it seems like this to me: Poor me, I hunt all day long with a slug gun and I have to wait for a deer to come in...(i don't know what the range on one is) and the guy next to me can shoot one down at 400 yards with his high power and scope. Boo hoo hoo. Use the resources if you have them. I understand that there are restrictions, but as I said, put a speed limit to it. It's unfair and actually discriminatory to others when you can allow a john boat and trolling motor to move at a set speed, but you won't allow the outboard to do that same speed.
  8. ^ Wears superman foosty pajama's!
  9. Do you have a picture of the nitro? I've been looking at the 2008 models. They are slick!
  10. I agree, i'm sure it hurt like hell, but i've caught a lot of fish that had a damaged eye, or was blind in one eye. He should be fine, he will just have to rely on his other sources while hunting.
  11. Congrats on the new boat. Sounds like you got a good deal. You won't know what to do with yourself being able to tap a foot pedal instead of paddling. haha
  12. Like raise the motor up on the transom?
  13. Ok Wayne, i just have some questions for you that i don't understand. "I never felt the need to put a gas motor on a jon boat until that lake was built." You said that, so does that mean you have an outboard on your boat on the lake? Also; "Oh, by the way, I can run around 25 mph GPS with my 12' jon boat and 9.9 2 stroke Mercury raised 1" off the transom with a 9 1/2" prop, 3 gals of gasoline, two size 27 batteries and a bow mount 24V trolling motor beside two sonar units." So are you running 25 mph with outboard or are you using a trolling motor? Also; "Certainly the boat owner can afford a little ole jon boat if he can afford the Triton." I think that is a very unfair statement. For example: You want to go hunting on a private hunting ranch, and you own a .270 deer rifle, well somebody cried a litle and now the ranch only allows 7mm rifles, how motivated are you to go spend more money on something else that you DONT NEED, especially since you already own something that will work just as good? Do you have to have a lake permit on your boat for that lake, or a truck sticker? Because if so, that costs money, and if you run all the people off that you say do this, then the lake is going to lose money.
  14. First off welcome, and my friend, if you can only cast a mere 15' with your setup, you need a new setup. Most people can or almost can flip or pitch 40'. How much are you wanting to spend. The line does make a ton of difference as well. I love Berkley line. Go for just the simple Berkley Trilene XL Smooth Cast. My little brother is a bass fishing fool for only being 12 and he loves using an Abu Garcia spinning reel, a medium or medium/heavy Ugly Stick rod (don't laugh) for a combo and he can cast clear across the large farm ponds we own. That's a cheap solution, and will hold up to fish, and will get the job done. I hope this helps.
  15. It just makes no sense to me I guess. I mean I follow the law and all, but what is the point of no outboard? Put a freaking speed limit on the lake and call it a day. How fast do you think a 101 lb thrust trolling motor will pull a boat? : I don't get what the difference is with going full speed with a trolling motor doing like 5 mph, compaired to idling an outboard doing 5mph? :-/ If somebody can answer that, it would be great.
  16. Check with the dmv or the local courthouse to find out the laws. I'm in Kansas, and in Kansas you don't have to put a license plate on anything that weighs less than 2000 lbs. Also, you don't have to have a title to register a boat, just a bill of sale.
  17. I'm with FFD on this one. I think it's silly to limit the people who can fish the water. I understand speed limits, and I understand no wake zones, but to not allow someone on the water because they have an outboard?.... Sounds ridiculous to me.
  18. Ok, So tell me if this is correct. Drop the motor all the way down (I don't have tilt and trim so i have to just do it all manually) and just give it a try and go up from there. I plug my livewell so it doesn't fill up with water and add weight. I even wired my trolling motor battery to a front storage compartment so that weight is gone. So would a bigger prop help? What pitch?
  19. That's right! Go buckeyes!!!!
  20. Catt: Do you still have that boat?
  21. haha, yeah, higher down.... wow i'm a smart one. lol. It also has a hydrafoil stabilizer on it, would it help if i took that off?
  22. Hey guys. This is a question about the boat i bought. Its a 16' fiberglass buckshot bass boat. It has a 40 hp Mariner motor on it. I can't get the boat to plane out. Maybe my butt is just to big! I've seen the boat plane out before, heck, i've had it plane before. But now i can't. Which is a better position to get plane for the motor, higher up or higher down. I don't have power tilt and trim, so i have to use the peg thing. Also would a different prop help out? I have no idea of the size that is on it, what would you suggest. I'm tired of getting blown out of the water. Please help guys. Thanks
  23. So when i watched that movie I made 2 movements: 1: I jumped back. 2: I may have pooped myself..... excuse me
  24. Awesome. Thanks guys. They look pretty whicked! I'm tryin them out tonight. I'll post back with some pictures and results. Thanks!
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