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Everything posted by zellamander

  1. Man I wish you were closer. I'd be all over that!
  2. I'm sorry to hear that FFD. Send my thoughts and prayers.
  3. I've been fishing some home lakes, Crawford State Lake, and Bone Creek Lake. Been doing decent. The bite slowed down with the heat, but it's picking back up. Should be some good fishing at the tourny tomorrow night, High is 74. 8-)
  4. I caught a 20 inch bass the other day and it weighed 5.75 lbs, another 8 inches on there... I would think it would add atleast 4lbs. I don't know though. Good fish, good memory, catch her again another day, and tighten up that dang grip! haha.
  5. hahahahahahahahahaha.
  6. I just say in an article on Phelps that on the 200 Meter Fly that as soon as he hit the water his goggles filled up with water, and since the chlorine level in the pool is so high, he had so close his eyes, so he swam the race blind.... Yeah..... Thank God he is on our side. haha.
  7. Like I said above, you are in the right place. Also, as Sam said, you are at the perfect age to start building up. I wish that I would have known at 13, what I know now... I may be a little further in the pursuit of my dream as well.
  8. 6 for 6. That a boy Phelps. Making us all proud!
  9. I can't wait to start working on it!
  10. First off, you aren't too young. Either on this thread, or on the Tournament Talk thread you will read about a 13 year old that got a pro staff position. Check spelling and grammar..
  11. Phelps is an athlete. He WILL find a way to win 8 golds and set 8 wr's. He didn't train as hard as he did the last 4 years to duck out on the last race. He can see the finish and there ain't nobody that's gonna stop that train X2!!! I totally agree, Phelps will do it. I have no doubt he will do it. He knows he has it. Look at him after each race, he isn't even winded, no heavy breathing, nothing, heck, he barely cracks a smile. He knows he is the best, I just can't wait until that last race when he is 8 for 8. I'm sure there will be a heck of a smile, and maybe even some tears. I saw Mark Spitz (previous greatest olympian in history, also a swimmer) had an interview this morning and he is rooting on phelps. He said that his record has been standing tall for 36 years, and finally he knows it's gonna fall and he is dang proud for it to fall to another American!
  12. Awesome. Thanks again FFD
  13. FFD, I've been thinking about getting one of the handcontrolled bow mounts. It looks like you are pretty satisfied with it. Are there any problems or downfalls at all to them? Like, do you lose fishing time messing with them?
  14. My boat has a small front deck on it. It's made out of Fiberglass, I want to expand it so I'm going to put a plywood deck on it and then carpet it. How does that work? Do I put a screw through the plywood into the fiberglass? And if so, what screw? Thanks
  15. Hey guys, Just curious if anybody is fishing Eastern Kansas or Western Missouri. Wondering if anybody was having luck.
  16. Hey guys, Just curious how to attatch wood, like plywood or marine board to a fiberglass frame. I need it to be strong, very strong. Thanks
  17. haha! That's funny! Way to go LBH
  18. haha, somebody must be bored.
  19. Well guys, I came across another deal on a boat, and you know me, I couldn't refuse. The boat is a 1974 hyrosport bass boat with a 1974 115 Mecury motor/ power tilt and trim. The trailer is a 1974 "Custom Built Rolco" trailer. The motor is in really good shape, the trailer, with some paint, could look brand new, and the boat.... well the hull and transom are good, but I will do some modifications to the interior. I'm going to expand the deck, front and back, and the storage and livewell hatch lids need replaced. I'm also putting in new carpet and seats, No biggy, should be a weekend project. Anyways, the DEAL: He has a 400 sq foot cabin on a lake near me. He wants the cabin painted as he is getting old and can't do it. He is supplying the paint and all supplies. Heck, he is even supplying lunch. He is valueing the boat at $1000 so I'm taking this deal while it lasts. I'll get pics up when I pick the boat up, and then i'll do some before any after pictures of the boat as i'm "re-doing" it. If it comes out like I have it drawn up on paper and in my head, I'll be really impressed with it.
  20. He has this in the bag and I'm rooting for him all the way. He set this goal in 2004, and he has kept his eye on it all this time and busted his butt to get where he is today. There is no doubt in my mind he is the greatest swimmer in the world. I think it was amazing on the 4 man relay the lead that they had. Not only did Phelps gain a huge 3 lengths lead, but the other USA swimmers kept gaining that lead, so not only did we smash the world record by 5 seconds, but we completely embarased the other teams! GO USA! GO PHELPS!
  21. So this may be a stupid question, or it may have been answered already, but I still have to ask: Why is deisel so dang high? Isn't it suppose to be like the left overs of Gasoline? If thats the case then why is my dad, who is an owner/operator of a big rig paying just under $5 a gallon?
  22. Thanks for all you do guys. We all can't wait for you to come home. Be safe guys
  23. Where are you that gas went up again? In Pittsburg, KS gas just went down again to 3.69 a gallon. That's .30 cents down in like 2 weeks.
  24. That would be amazing. But does anybody actually think that will happen? I mean, I guess there is a possibility that it could happen until November... but I bet it doesn't stay like that afterwards
  25. First off welcome to the forum! Nitro's are good boats. I'm not sure what are good prices on them though. With the 135 Optimax and both motor and boat being a fairly new model I would say that $8000 isn't a bad price. Don't quote me on this, and somebody might be able to answer better than me, but i'm pretty sure that you can put a ski rope tripod on just about any boat. I haven't seen to many Nitro's pulling though. I'm not exactly sure why. There are tons of answers on here for just about every question you can come up with, believe me there have been some wild questions. Anyways, as long as you are happy with the boat, and it meets the requirements you need then I would say go for it. I've had a ton of people tell me that the only happy time with a boat is buying it, and then selling it. I disagree. If you get a good boat, then its a wonderful experience. Good luck with the boat hunting.
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