The carpet was rolled out inside these peoples house.... they can keep it, no thanks...
The trolling motor was still there, but sitting in a little plastic scamp they had, (must not have wanted to junkt he plastic... haha!)
My tools, that actually how the meth labs were discovered. Needless to say they all with take a sulpher bath!
Here is a sad thing, or a good thing depending on how you look at it.
The guy had a warrant for his arrest, (they couldn't tell us what for) and one of the 2 girls had 3 kids living in the house that all this went down in....
So chalk up:
Criminal tresspassing
Fraud (used a fake license to try and scrap)
Child endangerment
Child Neglect
Child Abbuse
As my old friend elmer fudd says, Good ridence to bad rubbish!!!!