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HAWG Fisher

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Everything posted by HAWG Fisher

  1. Ok here's the deal, we are thinking about having a 1 day tourny for a club fund raiser. My question is this, If we was to have a $1000.00 gauranteed 1st place and pay top four places something like 2nd- $650 3rd- $400 and 4th- $200 with a possible bump in pay depending on numbers of boats do you think this would draw to a lake like Wilson or Eldorado Lake? Make it like a $100 entry per boat if you pre enter and $125 if you enter at the lake. Sometime in March or April? Who all would make the pull???? Another question? Big bass or best 5 in the box?
  2. Ok here's the deal, we are thinking about having a 1 day tourny for a club fund raiser. My question is this, If we was to have a $1000.00 gauranteed 1st place and pay top four places something like 2nd- $650 3rd- $400 and 4th- $200 with a possible bump in pay depending on numbers of boats do you think this would draw to a lake like Wilson or Eldorado Lake? Make it like a $100 entry per boat if you pre enter and $125 if you enter at the lake. Sometime in March or April? Who all would make the pull???? Another question? Big bass or best 5 in the box?
  3. Headed to grand this weekend and needing to know the hot setup!! Got invited to join the 6 man from Kansas and need to pull my own!! ;D Thanks, HAWG
  4. Paul, Did you dress a "small person" up on halloween like a bass for your avitar?? lol
  5. Thanks everyone, The SCUM frog tricked this one and a Few others that trip.
  6. Hey Reel mechanic, Figured I would try the ole Scum again.........I guess it will catch one once in a while??
  7. Damien,There are a few clubs in Wichita, We have a club here in Hutch that has a few members from Wichita also. If theres anything I can do to help just ask.
  8. Summer heat slowed things down for a bit and it took a while to figure out what the fish wanted. When we slowed the action down our bite rate jumped alot! Fished a new pond last night (about 4 acres) with great success. Heres one pic, healthy fish.
  9. This pond is in the middle of a section that is only acessable with a 4 wheeler at best..........Caught probably 20 to 25 nice fish in about 2 hours!!!! Here is the only one I took a pic with.
  10. Thanks for all the replys!!!! I am having a blast with it and as someone said its a rush when they blast it off the top of the water!! I was fishing a pond yesterday that has an overflow channel into some backwater thats about 2 acres and probably about 3 to 4 foot deep. Its solid water grass and moss. But as soon as that frog hits the surface they Blow up on it!!!!! Ill post a pic of the best I got lastnight in a few to see what ya all think? Thanks, HAWG
  11. What is the secret of getting a consistant hookset with this bait? I love this bait but im having trouble getting the fish in the boat!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks
  12. Pretty good little fishing hole!! My boat got lucky and won the club tourney and the BIG bass!!! 18 3/4 (partner caught it) East side of tube and north about 20 yards. My best for the day was 15 1/2. Thanks for the tips guys!! Now ive got another question.........I would have won the WHOLE thing by myself if I could of got the fish hooked up!!!! I was throwing a SCUM frog and getting monster blowups and tryed everything to get a hookset!!!!! Im not telling a fishermens lie when I say I failed 11 times to hook one on it!!!!! I would drop my tip and what till I seen my line going, drop my tip and count to 3, drop my tip till I felf preasure and the rod, try to set on the blowup?????? Im at a loss???? Brand new frog, sharp hooks, Med/Heavy rod.... Any tip for this??????????? :'( :'( :'(
  13. Thanks for the replys!!! My afternoon plans were shattered when you told me they took the tree's out on the westside! Did they remove the trees out along the old creek chanel? I would love to quiz either of you about the fishing there if you care to post a number? or you can email me at sutton675612hotmail.com with a number. Thanks, HAWG
  14. Just wondering if anyone has fished this lake lately? Its been a few years for me and im wondering what the conditions are like? We are having a club tourney there this weekend and im wanting a headstart!! Thanks HAWG
  15. Thanks for the tips given so far!! I will be on the back of the boat. I will be fishing with a friend that has fished the lake a little BUT, you dont know how much grief (friendly) I have taken from him about not knowing what its gonna take to catch fish on the lakes. I WOULD FALL OFF THE BOAT LAUGHING if I just show up and out fish him!! (WE ARE BEST FRIENDS). We have dinner bet and I hate the thought of buying his dinner!! >
  16. Ill be fishing SW Kansas at Clark County Lake. I really dont know much about the Lake? From pictures it dont look likr there is alot of above ground trees but there may be some under water im guessing? Thanks again
  17. Im not new to bass'n but relitivley new to lake fishing. Im not seeing a major difference but some......... Alot deeper water fishing and fishing deeper structure fishing!!! (I usually shore fish). What if any advice do you have for HOT summer lake fishing? Im sure the fish will be in deeper water? What are you throwing and how are you working the fish? Ive been very sucessfull morning fishing with top water baits and throwing plastics at the shore but im blanking alot in the hotter part of the day. Thanks, HAWG 8-)
  18. Ill be going with Mike Williams. I just joined the federation again and this is my first tourny back!! I would guess a Jitter or buzzbait in the AM also. But with this heat im sure the fish will be deep in the afternoon. I wonder what kind of structure they have there? Are you fishing the tourny on the 23rd?
  19. Im going to my FIRST tourny and its at Clark County. Ive never fished it nor will I be able to pre fish. Looking for some tips from anyone that pulled them into the boat there!!!! Whats working this time of the year? Baits ect? Thanks
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