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Tarpon 120

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  1. Looks like some prime frogging water....
  2. 420 size as a jig trailer works for me.
  3. Flipping is one on my favorite ways to fish from the kayak. I found that the traditional method doesn't work too well, it puts the bait inches from my face while sitting so low. I use a side arm motion to swing the bait and feather the spool to drop it in nice and easy. Since you are sitting so close, the bait skimms the surface and doesn't get any elevation to "crash" into your target.
  4. Call me crazy, but it looks like you have a sit in kayak there. Either way, it will be easier to get around than the canoe. Be careful, kayak fishing will slowly consume all of your free time!!! kayakfishingstuff.com and ncka.org are a couple of sites that can give you some ideas for setting up your boat for fishing.
  5. Don't limit your targets to the weeds and vegetation at night with the frog. I bet you will get some good action in the openings as bass move out in the low light. Walk it to create surface disturbance and hold on.......
  6. Similar I agree, but different enough for me to use the same setup as my buzzbaits. I step the rod down one notch to a 734. I have had good results with this softer tip allowing the fish to get the bait down easier. Like the buzz, I will reel down on a strike, feel the fish (hopefully) and side sweep the hookset. Different from my hollow body set, which is like yours, up quick.
  7. In my opinion, hollow frogs and horny toads are so different that they should not be lumped into the same category. Sure, they are both "frogs" and are topwater baits, but one is fished slow while the other is burned like a buzzbait. Hookset techniques are different as well. For the snagproof variety I noticed my hookup ratio went way up when I switched to a Powell 735 (MH with extra fast tip). This rod teamed with a fast reel with 65 pound braid provides me with instant pressure when I get an agressive strike. Once I feel pressure I wait one long second and hammer it. If the strike is an explosion, odds are that you are going to get it. If the bait is slurped, thats where your touch and patience come into play.
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