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Cousin Vinny

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About Cousin Vinny

  • Birthday 09/04/1961

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  • Location
    Westport, Connecticut

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  1. A few years ago I was going to be in Memphis for a bit and posted to see if any forum members can steer me in the right direction for fishing while I was in town. I was very fortunate to link up with someone from this site and had a fantastic day of fishing.. Well, now my son is going to school in Conway SC at Coastal Carolina and I'm going to be down for a couple days in mid October (17,18,19) and we're hoping to take in a 1/2 day or full day of fishing. If anyone here knows a good guide in that area, or can just give me some info on where i should look it'd be much appreciated.. Thanks in advance.. V
  2. Connecticut would do anything for more tax dollars. Our Governor is a tax loving big spender with my money. Oh, maybe thats for a different forum...... Did i mention that Connecticut would do anything for more tax dollars??
  3. Hey, haven't posted in a while. I fished Lake Waramaug in New Preston Ct from my yak yesterday and I think I picked up a small Northern Pike. I've studied the differences between pickerels and pike prior to going there because my kayak buddy and I were thinking of going to Bantam, where we know Norhterns are, but never made it up there. But I could swear this was a Nothern with bean shaped pigments and greenish background. The Ct angler guide doesn't state it as such but is it possible for them to be there?? I don't know... maybe I had the image in my head and I imagined what I think I saw???? BTW, caught a bunch of very nice bass there too. Great lake and unbelievable weather yesterday.
  4. It was a fantastick time. I too made a new friend and that connection helped me get my personal best for LMB. No doubt I will be the *** of my fishing buddy's out here. Awsome time. I only hope Jeff will come up to Connecticut and let me take him on Long Island Sound for Striped Bass, Blue fish and fluke on kayaks or my boat.
  5. I was thinking bass, but if cats are all there is, I'll do that too. Any bass fishing now?? BTW, hows that Germantown Commisary? Looking forward to BBQ.
  6. I'm headed out to Memphis on the 14th. I was hoping to get a half day of fishing in before I get busy. I was thinking 2nd half the 14th (its a Tuesday). Can anyone here suggest a guide? Are they still bitting out there? If you cant post a guides name on the forum feel free to email me at vinnyengongoro@rocciesasphalt.com Thanks
  7. I beleive the license is good untill the end of the year (calender year)
  8. Thanks guys. That makes me feel allot better . Yea, he was juming like crazy before I left. I figure he was mad about being stuck with my lure and I was upset I lost the lure, then I was upset about his prospects for living.
  9. I went fishing in a small private pond this morning. I was doing rather well though its not a large compound so the LMB were between 13 and 17 inches long (sorry, no scale) I hooked one on a hoola popper and while i was bringing him in, the line broke. I figure it was fray or fatigue from the previuos fish. But now this what seemed to be a possible 2 pounder (definetly larger than the others I have caught there) is swimming around with this nasty lure in its who knows where. Those types of lures have a habit of catching fish in the nose, head, tail, where ever Do you think it can survive like that or will it die :'(??
  10. Thanks for all the responses guys. I'll put the answers to work tommorrow
  11. Where can I call to buy LMB and other fresh water species?? I am bidding a pond dredging and part of the bid is to replace the fish
  12. Where can I call to buy large mouth bass and other fresh water species in Connecticut. I am bidding a pond dredge and part of the bid is to replace the fish.
  13. I dont have a thermometer but it felt about 50ish. No way was it 40. It was pretty warm out yesterday too. Probably 63 by 1:00. The pond i was fishing is fed by a river and there is a sediment pond the river enters before it dumps into the main pond so the depth is somewhat shallow there. Maybe 3 feet max. Thats what I fished mostly because access to the best spots on the main pond were difficult to get to. Anyway, I'd assume the shallow depth keeps the water there a little warmer.
  14. It was so nice out yesterday I couldnt resist. Right after I finished work (which there is little of) I took my new rod and reel for a little fun. I fished a small pond in Darien Connecticut using a green yuzuri worm. Had decent luck with 5 catch's ranging from 10 inches to 15 inches. They may not have been the biggest catches but it was so nice to get out again. Did anyone else take advantage of the weather yesterday??
  15. I'll do some of the choices but I wont break ice. I hate the cold. I'll do a little hibernating, allot of work, cry over my stored tackle :'( and take a couple of trips to Florida to fish fresh and salt water. Theres only so much online porno I can deal with and since my mistake snowmobile accident in 2001, I dont do much of that anymore.
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