I'm looking to do the same thing nice job however I saw the motor is hard wired if the trolling has to go in for repair the bow panel has to be removed I need the plug and socket to remain in use. Have you looked into that and what did you find?
Stay Safe
Pa Angler
I have 2 Talons paired 3 remotes pair to both 1 refuses to pair to both just one no matter how many times I erase it and try pair it always pairs with just one. Also the 2 foot pedals that came with the Talons won't pair at all. Has anyone had the same issues?
Stay Safe
PA Angler
It's been a while but here's an issue I hope someone can help.
I'm having issues getting Talon foot pedals to pair the handhelds paired and work as they should but the foot pedals time out in the paring process has anyone here ever have the same issue? If so what was the remedy? I've done the youtube deal tried everything but clear memory as the youtube stated it takes two people and there was only me.
Stay Safe
PA Angler
Hello forum members,
I have had 3 Odyssey 34M-PC1500 AGM trolling motor batteries for my 36v motor after 3.5 years they are taking a dump after 2 - 3 hours of use two get pulled down to 30% charge and one has 70% I once got 10 hours of use and still had 50 to 70% charge my Cranking AGM Sears also took a dump in the same time frame they all came with a 3 year replacement warranty it's amazing how the manufacturers have this thing timed I'm now going back to the Wally World Everstart Max as they have lasted as long and longer for 1/3 the cost.
Has anyone else had similar results with AGM batteries?
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
You didn't mention your budget. I wouldn't buy a boat with out electronis and the water I fish a GPS is a must, A Nitro Z6 or Z7 the Z7 has a ton of storage check out Nitro's website.
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
I use different colored Stick Jackets blue for 6'-6" med heavy, black for 6'-6" med, red for 7' heavy, yellow for 7' med heavy and reel covers when stored I remove them on the rods I will be using for the day.
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
Here's an article about tongue weight and trailer weight.
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
I hope you have a trans cooler. Struggles just to get going is not a good thing for the boat your pulling it should have a least 373 gears if not the 410 option my 99 Jimmy had the factory tow package with 373 gears and trans cooler. I understand what your going through.
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
I once had a 1999 GMC Jimmy with the 4.3 puketech towing a 2004 Tracker Targa 17SC Deep V it would run out of breath on steep inclines I now run a 2008 F150 Super Crew 5.4 V8 with a 6.5' bed towing a Nitro Z7 and I get better gas mileage then with the puketech 4.3 towing a tin can. I got 11 to 12mpg with the puketech towing the tin can I get 13 to 13.5mpg towing the Z7 with the F150. It's better to go more than enough than just enough or not enough..
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
1 bank per battery. I have 4 batteries one cranking 3 trolling motor batteries. I have a 60amp 4 bank x 15amp Dual Pro onboard charger.
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
I make sure mine is conected when I'm under power as well as having my PFD on since I do a lot of fishing by myself I wear my PFD even while I'm fishing.
Tight Lines
Pa Angler
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