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Everything posted by OH-bass614

  1. nice trip! i Fished okee last spring on my spring break and fell in love with that place. Been watching your videos on youtube and the next time im down there ill definitely be setting up a trip with you.
  2. last summer all of my rods were stolen out of my garage. I got to thinking about it and did the same thing your doing when i replaced them. Its so much more efficient in my opinion. it will take a bit to get used to but once you do you will be glad you made the switch.
  3. I finally saved up enough money for a new crankbait rod for deeper baits since mine was stolen last summer. I found a fenwick elite tech crankin rod its 7'3" MH and has the 50/50 super delay marked down from 200 to 119. Im hoping it will be enough to handle bigger plugs like DD22's and 6XD's and work well with fat free shads and others. But im a little indecisive about my line. What are your guys favorite lines for this type of crankin? i think i have 15lb seagaur red label on my reel right now. On a side note has anyone used a pro qualifier for crankin and did you like it. I currently have a quantum energy and its about to bite the dust i think. The 4:9:1 version caught my eye.
  4. been trying to do this recently with a lighter and it hasnt been working too well. i go through multiple packs of space monkeys in one week from bluegills or bass tearing them up. At 5$ a pack for 6 this will save me alot of cash if i can figure it out. im going to try your method to see if i can get it to work.
  5. ill fish however i need to in order to catch them but my favorite way is to flip them out the the thick stuff.
  6. alright guys i just got back from my weekly pot tourney on the lake i was talking about and i had a little better success. i switched to a snell knot and i was hooking all of them right in the roof of the mouth so that helped. also i made sure to dip every bait with jj's and reapplied it every so often. I still missed a few fish, im going to grab some 20 or 25 lb fouro and respool with that to see if i feel bites a little better because i did miss a few still. i missed 2 bites atleast flipping and lost one on a crankbait. i ended up with 2 fish by myself and i missed the pay by a tenth of a lb. it olny took 5 something to win so if i would have got those fish i would have probably won. thanks for the tips
  7. one of my favorite lakes is full of bushes and the fish stack up in them during the spring but i have been missing alot of bites. Recently i would flip into a pocket and i fish would come and swirl a the bait and i would give him a second to eat it only to set the hook and it come back with no bait or fish. im flipping with 65lb power pro, gammmy flippin hooks, and a space monkey or tube and a improved polomar knot. what can i do to hook these fish? i have also been hooking fish and when i get them away and there in the air the hook comes out? should i switch to a snell knot? Thanks
  8. On sunday im flying into orlando to meet my grandparents. They stay in florida during winter to get away from the snow up here. I have a few questions for you guys about baits, and FOOD (im a 17 yr old football player and i gotta eat). First ive got some beavers, skinny dippers, toads, frogs, craws, big worms, trick worms, spinnerbaits, and rattle traps. Is there anything else i should bring? I have a trip with Jac Mitchell on Toho monday. On tuesday we are driving to Clewiston and staying in the RV at Roland Martin Marina and on thursday i have a trip with Mark Shepard on Big O. After that we are heading back to Kissimmee and im renting a boat on Toho friday. The rest of the time i want to try to find some places a can fish from shore or rent a little canoe or something for cheap and fish. Do you guys know of anywhere I can do this? Finally I have got to eat me some crab. If anyone knows of any good seafood places where i can eat massive amounts of Crab please share. Or any real good places to eat in kissimmee or Clewiston and between them. Thanks in advance guys I jacked right now, i cant wait to get away, sit in the sun and catch some florida hawgs
  9. i bought the gander mtn brand and the parka is good and keeps me dry but the bibs flat out suck. my lower half gets wet all the time. im looking into the new under armour stuff if not that then the pro qualifier gear i have heard nothing but good about it.
  10. the first high end baitcaster i bought was a used energy pt i bought off of here in the flea market three years back i believe. let me tell you i have neglected and beat the crap out of that reel and it is still working good and is about to be put on a new deep cranking rod im buying to replace my old one. All of my other reels are curados and citicas and they have not failed either. But the Energy pt is the oldest and most neglected and it is still running strong.
  11. well all of equiptment was righty and it got stolen last year so when i replaced it i went lefty and now i dont have to switch and it wasnt a big transition either.
  12. For the nasty stuff i use a 7'10" X heavy duckett micro magic with a 200e7 and 65-80lb power pro. After using it everything else feels like a broomstick For lighter stuff i use a 7ft heavy veritas and a 200e7 with whatever line the cover calls for.
  13. Alright guys last year some jackwagon broke into my garage and cleaned out my boat of every setup except for my powell 684cb and a citica which was in my house. So im about to replace my frog rod b.c. im heading to florida the 21st of march and im planning on using it down there. Last year i used a powell 704C with a citica and i loved that rod. this year i have allready bought a curado 200e7 for it but Tackle warehouse is sold out of the 704C so i though about getting the 735 frog rod. What do you guys think about the 735 and what things do you look for in a frog rod. Thanks
  14. i used to have a few revo sx's the 09 model no the red n black new model. i bought a curado and fell in love with how smooth and light they feel in your hands. i also have a few citicas and they are not to far from the curado. go with the curado you wont be dissapointed ;D
  15. im planning on getting one of these with the gps for my new jon this spring. I know a guy who has a SI unit and he say sometimes he just sits in the console and explores with the SI. He has found a few cars and a sunken boat on it already.
  16. want to see martens win it hes in the lead lets see if he can hold on. If not him i want to see ike or a federation nation guy win it.
  17. braid: power pro flouro: trilene 100% flouro/ vicious when im low on money Mono: trilene xl
  18. its a shame that people choose to take what others have worked for because they dont want to get off their lazy a** to work for their own things.... i know how this feels my mom had her trailblazer stolen from our driveway and all of the rods ive worked for were taken out of my boat in my garage and we live in a nice suburb so it goes on everywhere not just rough places.
  19. you guys have got it all wrong this is a classic case of the bait/reel monkey hiding a reel in hopes that the fisherman will buy another to replace it
  20. i fished fished a lipless on my buddys 7ft med kvd rod last year and i loved it. some thiefs cleaned out my boat last year so im replacing one of them with that rod.
  21. Hey florida guys i need some help planning my spring break trip to Florida. The last two years i stayed in orlando and fished toho with skip campbell and steve boyd and then rented a boat one day. This year im looking to do something different. ill be flying down to meet my grandparents who stay the winter down there in a RV. Im planning on staying somewhere in Orlando and driving down to Stick marsh for a day with George Welcome. But im not sure yet where i should stay in orlando. Would I better off staying at the fish camp on East lake toho where i can rent a small boat for multiple days. Or would i be better staying somewhere around the big lake and renting a bigger boat for 1 or possibly 2 days on it? But the last to times I rented a boat on Big toho i didnt do well, it was kind of overwhelming because everywhere looked good. Also if any of you guys who live down there want to get together and fish it would be cool to meet some of you guys. If you guys have any recommendations id apreciate it.
  22. These videos are great. My bass fishing generation doesnt know bassmaster like this all we see is skeet reese in all yellow lookin like a highlighter, ike break dancing on the deck, and kvd catching fish like its nobodies business. Todays show lures you in with alot of non fishing stuff while the old stuff is pure fishin, both are great in there own way. Its interesting to see how it was done back in the day it makes me wish I was 17 back then. oh and merry christmas to everyone
  23. it took me a while to comprehend how big that was haha. I may need to get a few of those so i can sling them at the water skiers that think its a good idea to fly by me at 10yds and about swamp my jon boat ;D
  24. a fire tiger bomber flat A crankbait on my first cast i hooked up with one. i can still remember how proud i was that i caught the first fish of the day and my dad taking the treble hooks out then saying good job little man.
  25. i read an article a while ago by skeet reese and he was talking about cold weather fishing he said he wore latex glove like the ones doctors wear under his gloves to keep the moisture out. i havent tried it yet but it sounds like a good plan maybe the ua liners and latex underneath
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