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About AStallings

  • Birthday 02/19/1985

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    Weddington, NC

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I've always wondered if Bass were intelligent enough to realize they were intentionally tricked into biting a fake lure with a hook in it :-?
  2. Caught a bass this morning with a little bait fish half way down his throat :-?. Thought that was kind of interesting, must have been a hungry fish Gotta look hard to see it, only had my crappy cell phone camera with me.
  3. Very impressive 8-) . I've always wanted to do something like that, don't think I'd have the skills to pull it off though.
  4. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=5100+Laurel+Grove+Ln,+Matthews,+NC+28104&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.281301,79.101563&ie=UTF8&ll=35.016334,-80.713495&spn=0.004842,0.009656&t=h&z=17 Not real big, much bigger than an acre though. It's definitely not a necessity to catch fish, we know the spots to fish from 10 years experience. I'd like to see exactly where the underwater structure is and what the bottom looks like.
  5. Thanks for the pics. That screen would last about 10 minutes if we mounted one there on our boat : . I've almost always got another person fishing with me and between the 2 of us, our tackle and rods we're stumbling around the whole time out there . I'm sure we'll figure something out, probably putting mine in the rear with the TM battery. That's a nice little setup you got for $200, can't beat that!
  6. The jon is my big boat . You don't happen to have any pics of that setup do you?
  7. We used to fish from a canoe on our pond back in the day, it was such a pita. Every time either person so much as shifted their weight or moved wrong it'd feel like the whole d**n thing was going to flip over. Had to concentrate on everything except fishing in that thing. We've got an Alumacraft now with a little trolling motor, 100x better for fishing. Lots more room, d**n near impossible to flip and much more enjoyable to fish on.
  8. How much did u pay for it? Those fishin buddy's are pretty cool how it's all one unit, although I wouldn't really mind having to mount one on the boat either. I've always been a big Garmin fan, and they have a couple models in my price range I was thinking about too. Guess I just need to wait till next time I'm around Bass Pro and go play with them first. You know you're in trouble when the bait monkey starts wanting electronics
  9. I'm a big homer , beating San Diego in their home opener without Steve Smith was a pretty big statement though 8-). I really think we look better this year than our 2003 Super Bowl year. fish-fighting-illini - they did look really good Sunday night. Real test will be if they can put points on the board this weekend against a real defense . Should be a good game. Bears are lucky Steve Smith's not playing he has a history of making their backfield look pretty silly
  10. Does anyone use a fish finder for small ponds, in a Jon Boat? We've got a pond in my neighborhood we've been fishing for years and always thought it would be cool to get a cheap fish finder to mount in our Alumacraft. This may be another option. Has anyone ever used one of these? Looks pretty cool as long as it's not a pos. Then again, I'm wondering if it might be a pain having to cast and recast every time you want to use it though. http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=1894549 Any suggestions on something in the $100-$150 range?
  11. I used to have the same problem with topwater. I'd read this same advice a few times but didn't really "get it" until the day I finally got enough patience to just sit there and wait a good 3 seconds after the fish hit it. At first, being so used to worm fishing, it seemed like a really long time to wait, but that's about how long it takes before you can actually feel the fish and it's time to set the hook.
  12. lol, I was thinking the same thing last golf tourny I was at. The Heritage Classic in HIlton Head, we were sitting on a hole with a little pond, Anthony Kim hit his ball in the water and we noticed there was a gator hanging out on the other side of the pond . Guess that's one way to keep the fisherman away
  13. One of my friends that usually goes with us lives on the course we fish at, but it's never made a difference anyway. Night time under a full moon is the best time to hit up the golf courses. When's the last time you saw someone on a golf course at 11pm ? We've been thinking about trying some night fishing at some other golf course ponds in the area. Google earth is a great way to scope out new fishing spots, find best way in/out, where to park etc.
  14. This is the best explanation I've heard that makes sense. Everyone keeps talking about fishing pressure. In my case at least, there is definitely more to it than that. We fish 3-4 different ponds on a regular basis, and we're basically the only ones that ever fish on any of them, so pressure isn't a factor. We hit up the golf course during the day on Monday (the course is closed every Monday, so no golfers). Seeing the pond in full daylight (vs @ night), and through polarized lenses I could see that although there's no above water structure, there actually is "underwater structure". Lots of ledges and steep drop offs. These were all the spots we've been catching fish at night too. Caught this 2.5 pounder on 2nd cast with a rage tail shad. Called it a day after about 20 min since it was >95 degrees and humid Daytime pics of the pond
  15. I finally gave in and bought me a pack of senkos today since I constantly see you guys ranting and raving over them here. I've never tried them bc they seemed outrageously overpriced just looking at them on the racks. I'm now a believer. 5" watermelon's Texas rigged, weightless, 4/0 EWG. Not only did I catch ~10 fish on them in 1 hour, my buddy throwing a Zoom U tail, motor oil worm caught just 1. My only complaint about them is it seems like they're really fragile, 1 fish=1 worm. Have a feeling these things are gonna burn a hole in my wallet pretty soon. Are there any cheaper replicas or anything that work as well as these?
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