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Everything posted by gar-tracker

  1. I find it different on every school, a trap or top water worked fast is hard to beat. I had a school come up today thats was unbelievable, fives and six s were jumping like Bonita, an area the size of half of a football field erupted and giant gizzard shad where running for their lives. I couldnt reach them I started the boat up and ran in front of them and they just kept moving and eating, if you were in reach you'd have a 30lb stringer in no time at all.
  2. Watch your stealthness while walking around, bass spook off shore farther then you think while walking, my best luck back in my pond days were with a gold rapala top water paralleling the banks.
  3. Smart move Lee, I bought my place in Okee in 94 and planned to retire there. And I did.
  4. Iv seen people stabbed and killed by another person for a dollar. Anyone who thinks cheating isn't going on in these hard economic times is sadly mistaken. If I ever caught someone I would make it my lifes work to have them banned from tournaments.
  5. A friend of mine from Italy claimed that thats how bass were stocked in Italy, by US serviceman in WW2. Really doesn't make sense though, think of the logistics involved, I cant see how they would manage it.
  6. A quick funny Suwanee story. About 1981 I told a buddy of mine ill bring him fishing on the Suwanee I got the gas and stuff just bring lunch. Keep in mind this dude was about one of the top 5 cheapest people iv ever met in my life. We meet at the bridge there in Branford get out there and lunch rolls around and he opens a large bag he threw in the cooler and pulls out this gift box. I said whats that? He reply s lunch. It wound up being one of those gourmet gift box's, you know the ones you see in liquor stores filled with nothing substantial just little tins of olives and mixed nuts, candy. So here we are eating all these little bottles of pearled onions and minute pieces of cheese.I said great I'm full after those 3 almonds and a cracker we split. I later found out he took it off the table at his house and his wife was looking all over for it because she bought it to bring to a friend for a house warming that night.
  7. You.re the legend I cant even beat Sunkboat on Big O.
  8. You wouldn't last 2 seconds down here with mono on a frog.
  9. 30 lb is too light for a frog in heavy cover. Thats most likely your problem, id go at least 65. Forget a leader for a frog straight and only use a palomare knot with braid unless you snell it then still straight to it but snell the braid. A Frog is a reaction bite, a leader does nothing to help you get a bite just puts another chance of break off between bait and line.
  10. I went there for my nieces wedding years back, bring your golf clubs or salt water gear instead.
  11. Now you're stealing my material as well as my spots.
  12. I used to let my lab swim all over the lake. I was probably more lucky then smart, I just always kept an eye out for them. Never heard of one grabbing one off a boat but they sure gain interest when they see them.
  13. Morning bite is on fire when the sun is cracked up about half way it slows down quite substantially. For fun fishing you may want to consider going out at about 5:00pm till dark.
  14. 8.4 Pre fishing!! Last Friday. Thought it was the kiss of death but me partner got an 8.5 the next day for 2nd big fish.
  15. I used to put in at Brandford by the bridge, I lived in Ft White at the time, those red Eyed bass were fun and loved little Shad Raps. I would just look for nice structure and cast the banks. Lived closer to the Santa fe, beautiful fishing.
  16. Like anything if its done in a responsible manner I dont find fault in it, I live 3 minutes from the ramp, on a rare occasion when I go out in the evening around 4:00ish to sunset Ill bring a couple of brews out with me. Never on full day trips while seriously fishing. And again let me reiterate, I live about 1/2 mile from the ramp.
  17. Exactly. the larger the concentration of fish the more this happens. In Lake Okeechobee there are numerous waves of fish coming in for a period that could be from October to May and at times July depending on weather and water levels, fish are in all phases at times post spawn pre spawn etc.. If all the fish spawned at the same time it would be a disaster. Of course this is the extreme due to its massive size and concentration of fish along with a very fast growing period, but it holds true in all bodies of water.
  18. Where do you go Jellyman Cedar Key?
  19. Any time you go with a heavier tip you sacrifice casting performance. Most of my heavy stuff is used for pitching and flipping, however like mentioned above fishing in Florida a stout rod on most plastics is preferred. First master the bait caster then experiment with rods.
  20. I tried that it gave me a rash.
  21. I caught 19lbs for a win on the north end last week, that's a 12:00 weigh in, fishing alone.
  22. Remember elephants eat peanuts.
  23. I got a couple of ex wives that would disagree with that.
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