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About Flatfish

  • Birthday 03/17/1946

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  1. I'am backwards I guess, Left Handed and reel in with my right
  2. I haven't fished WYCO in several years, matter of fact it was when they put the wipers in, fished the tounry's on wed and won a couple, retired now and plan to get back out their, need to freshen up the boat and get the motor tuned up. Does anyone know if Scott stills runs the tourny.
  3. Count me in, haven't fished a tourny since last may, boat had motor trouble but with only TM's that would fit right in. How far from KC area, Payout Boat Requirements Single or Team If team can a guy fish alone Is their a map of the lake Directions
  4. Hydraulic and Hose shops offer a product like you want, they wrap hoses with it to cut down on abrasion's. just measure the diameter of your bundle. The type I get is black in color and has a UV resistance. The white type at Hardware Box Stores don't seem to hold up if left out in the sun and weather.
  5. Marine grease will work fine, you don't need much. Some spring shackle bolt's have grease zerks in them from the get go. Just make sure that all pivot points move free and don't forget the bearing buddy's. Hope it settles down for you, the idea of the trailer is the convience for you, load her back up motor, battery, and fishing gear, so all you have to do is back it in the water and go fishing. If you need more weight add lead ballast to the rear of the trailer, a small loaf pan filled with lead weigh's about 35lbs a couple of these should help settle it down
  6. When you have the boat off the trailer grab hold of the rear of the trailer and lift it up, look at the rear spring shackles to see if it moves. I have seen where the spring pivot points (both front and rear) get seized from age or overtightning. If this happens it is just like not having any springs. If this the problen remove the spring bolts clean them up, lube them and replace the nuts with self locking nuts and don't over tighten them. With the suspension you have the stabilizer bars on the front hangers it would be very posible that some one strong armed them.
  7. A couple of years back I was fishing the mouth of a cove and a pontoon boat came in and got very close and turned causing a good size wake, laughing all the time. Well they came back and anchored about 30' from me, a bunch of collage aged kids, and proceeded to start swiming. Well being the "get even type" and noticing earlier in the day that the water snakes were abundant up the lake I went and sacked up a few, went back and pulled up close to the swimmers and pitched a net full of snakes right in the middle of them. They were laughing when they ran me off, well when I left the second time I was laughing, so hard that I almost couldn't operate the boat.
  8. LBH has good ideas, just look at his boat. You don't want the aluminum surface shiny, scuffed up so the primer will adhere. There is a product called XIM Flash Bond, a couple of coats and scuff it up with a Scotch Brite pad and paint, I have painted glass after using this stuff and never had any problem.
  9. Sounds typical of a grounding problem, run a ground wire from the trailer to the truck and check the lights out again that should confirm if that is the problem. Use one half of a set of jumper cables for a quick check.
  10. I have repaired many rivets and it didn't cost anything, get a friend, turn the boat up side down on saw horse's and with 2 ball peen hammers( one on the inside of the boat and one on the outside) start tapping the rivets, swelling them in the holes, that also tightens the ribs up and keeps it more ridgid. If you don't tighten the rib down to the skin of the boat it will move and the same problem will reoccur. LBH has a good idea also and IMHO everything else is temporary.
  11. Do yourself a big favor and go to a couple of tournaments and watch just how efficiently they launch and retrieve their boats. No kidding it will amaze you how they can launch 50 boats in about 10 to 15 minutes. That is Ramp Courtesy at it's Best.
  12. I have had 2 S-10's, one 2.2, 4 cyl, 5 speed and the other was a Ext Cab with a 4.3 V6 5 speed, both of these got 25 mpg, both of these pulled the boat, a 16' Lowe with a heavier trailer than normal. The V6 only lost 2-3 mpg and the 4 lost almost 6 mpg and with the ac on any hill you were down shifting. I had more problem stopping than going with either one and that wasn't that bad either. My opinion woule be go with the V6, good mileage and a little easier on the engine when pulling.
  13. Fresh gas and a battery charge, replace the water pump impeller before you start it, and then head for the water. Good Luck
  14. Another thing about 4 strokes, you can't take it off the boat and lay it in the back of your truck like the 2 strokes, they have to stay in a near vertical position.
  15. If it is a Automatic install a auxillaty trans cooler and check about pulling in overdrive, I think it is recommended to not pull in OD
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