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Boogey Man

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Everything posted by Boogey Man

  1. Apparently smart enough to cause a 5 page thread with 115 replies and 2.4k views on mono vs fluoro a few weeks ago ?
  2. I used green mono until about 5 years ago. I switched to clear\blue florescent because my eyesight was getting bad and I couldn't see the green line anymore lol. The primary lake I fish is super clear and I never noticed a difference in my catch rate after switching.
  3. How many of the 4 internal centrifugal brakes do you have on and what setting is your external mag brake set on?
  4. It's all good, my friend. I just happened to see the model on the OP's pic and that it had the wider nose like the original Tournament Pro. The rest of the credit goes to Google lol.
  5. Lew's Tournament TS1SH, I think that was one of lower priced reels when Lew's came back around 2010.
  6. Yep, that's pretty close to what mine sounds like. Doesn't effect the performance, but man it's irritating?
  7. Kind of like how some of Strike King's crankbaits were were originally branded as FLW and sold at Wal Mart about 20-25 years ago.
  8. X2. I doubt if Abu designs any low profile reels these days. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the last Swedish made low profile Abu reel was the Torno series. The other night I dug out and old 4600 C3 from about 1994 or so, took it apart, cleaned, lubed, and spooled it up. Still casts as good as it did back then. A Swedish made Abu low profile would probably cost a fortune but it would be a heckava reel.
  9. Similar experience here with the Tatula CT R I have. Completely quite on the cast, but loud and geary sounding on the retrieve. I maintain all my reels myself and despite deep cleaning and oil/lube, the noise is still there.
  10. Oops, I completely messed up here, you are correct. The rod I had in mind when i posted is the 663. Disregard everything I said?
  11. I have one. If you're fishing exposed hooks on your toads and paddletails you might be ok. The 664 to me is kinda in between a medium and medium heavy as far as power, and to me I'd call it a moderate fast as far as action, the tip flexes a little farther down the blank compared to most fast action rods I have. It's rated for 1/4 to 3/4 lures, the lower weights cast well on it. I think you'd be fine casting lighter lures, hooksets on a long casts might be a little iffy. Hope this helps.
  12. The description also says externally adjustable centrifugal brakes.
  13. I only have one Fury and it's a casting rod. While it's a nice rod, I'd rate it average for sensitivity. If you're looking for sensitivity for something like a bottom contact rod, I'd recommend the Sierra or Champ, whichever you can afford. I'd spend more money if you're looking for a rod you need to "feel" with.
  14. I was about to say the same thing. Plus ask what he "gave them the number wala" meant.
  15. Lews Tournament MB on eBay for around $110.
  16. The Tournament MB is good reel. You can find them on the big auction site for about $110.
  17. Looks like Banax makes that one, theirs is called an Ionix SLT.
  18. Would you post a pic of your rod balancing at the reel seat without a reel? Like with one finger under the reel seat? I'd really like to see that.
  19. 6.3:1 for me personally, especially if you I'll be using spinnerbaits with large blades that will create a lot of torque on the reel.
  20. On Bass Pro Shops website they list the weight as 7.3 oz. Wonder if that's a typo since their was a noticeable difference in hand?
  21. That's a super helpful comment. Had a buddy that used 33s and caught fish just like us using baitcasters. If it's a 33, a cane pole or a Steez, go fishing and have fun.
  22. https://youtu.be/aSVjYBSrL68 If this was still Abu Garcia, it would be a more valid debate.
  23. I have a CT Type R, same deal as yours. I've cleaned and re lubed it, still noisy on a fast retrieve, but relatively quiet during a normal retrieve under load.
  24. I use clear blue florescent Stren original, and I do believe it's easier to see. I'm creeping up on 50 and my eyesight is letting me know it?
  25. If the CI4 is new, that's a heckava deal. It's a very good casting reel even without the MGL spool.
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