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Boogey Man

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Everything posted by Boogey Man

  1. Good start. Throw in a few jigs, black or black/blue.
  2. Out of the three reels mentioned, I would go with the Quantum PT, maybe in a 6:1 gear ratio with maybe a med. 6'6" rod for hard jerkbaits and topwaters like Torpedos and Pop-R's. To me, the 3 combo's you have listed seem well matched. I know shorter rods aren't real popular, but I like at least one 6 footer for close quarter spinnerbaits. If you do much shakey head or drop shotting, maybe substitute a spinning combo instead of a new baitcasting rig?
  3. No info on it on their website either. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPageC?storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&appID=206
  4. My favorite was Abu Garcia before they were bought out by Pure Fishing. Now it would have to be Shimano with Quantum coming in second.
  5. To me, if you buy a "slow" reel, you're pretty much dedicating it to lures like deep cranks and maybe slow rolling big bladed spinnerbaits. With most reels now having some type of HEG/oversized gears, you can still crank and have plenty of power with a higher gear ratio and have a reel that can double for many techniques. One thing to consider is actual inches of line retrieved, not just gear ratio. One manufacturers "burner" may have the same IPT as another's slower reels.
  6. Good lookin' baits!
  7. I have both. The Citica 100DSV will be easier in my opinion to start out with. The Fuego is one heckava reel, but it requires a little more "thumb training". After you get used to them both, I don't think you'll have any problems.
  8. Here's a couple of good sites to research. http://www.kbb.com/ http://www.edmunds.com/search/?tid=edmunds.g.home.regheader.search.2.*
  9. So far I've done it twice. The first time, I was using a Heddon Baby Torpedo and I was hung in a tree. Like an idiot, I gave it a big jerk and it flew back and hit me on the shin, about an inch from the shin bone on the inside of my leg. I took my pliers and pushed the point though but the barb wouldn't go through. So I took my pliers and pulled on the point while my buddy grabbed the shank of the hook with his pliers and pushed. Man, when the barb finally went through it made a sickening "pop" that we swore you could have heard on the other side of the lake. Then I was able to cut the barb off. He still gives me a hard time that I ruined our morning by causing us to miss the topwater bite. The second time I was by myself and caught a 6 or 7 inch bass on a Pop-R. I had him lipped and he decided he didn't like it in my boat so he started flopping and got me just down from my thumb in the fat part next to the palm. So here I am with the little bass attached to a Pop-R on one hook and me on the other hook. Luckily, he fell off and I pushed the hook on through.
  10. Let's say you're working isolated cover. You make your cast, work it around the stump, laydown, dock, whatever. The faster retrieve gets your lure back in through a lot of "dead water" so you're on to the next cast
  11. From a Bass Pro catalog from 1994 the Pro Max has 8 bearings and has a 5.3:1 gear ratio. I found a 1996 Cabelas catalog, it has a Silver Max which has 6 bearings and a 6.3:1 gear ratio. In the same catalog they also sold an "S "series, it had 3 bearings, 6.3:1 gear ratio. This one had a black cast control knob and black handle grips. If yours is the six bearing, I'd guess it to be the Silver Max. It was priced at $116 in the Cabelas catalog.
  12. I'd have to dig out my old Bass Pro shops catalogs, but it sounds like a reel Abu made when they made the Pro Max, I want to say Silver Max. They had the Pro Max, then down to Silver Max, then Black Max.
  13. I had a Royal Express, it wasn't a bad reel if you like a round reel. Avoid the Pro Max if it's the newer one (orange, looks like a Revo). I bought one, took it home, spooled it up, went out in the yard, it cast good but sounded like an eggbeater on the retrieve. Plus the thumb bar wouldn't re-engage when you started reeling.
  14. Here's my picks: combo #1-single hook lures like spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, T-rigs. combo #2-crankbaits, topwaters (popper style, torpedo's), hard jerkbaits. combo #3 and #5-maybe shakey head or dropshot. combo #4-light t-rigs.
  15. Maybe jerkbaits, topwater (poppers, torpedos), and shallow cranks in open water.
  16. What color is it? In the mid to late 90's they made several variations, Pro Max, Tournament (this was the one that had the fishing seen engraved on the palming side), Tournament Pro (this one was green), Silver Max, Black Max.
  17. I only use a trailor in stained/muddy water. It's usually a two or three inch curly tail grub. I rig it on the trailor hook, not the spinnerbait hook. I don't use one in clear water.
  18. I got to step 5 but no files were sent. Not sure if that's good or bad...
  19. Does that mean some of us have to go, LOL? Will it be the newbies, junior members, full members, or will Glenn just pick? Maybe he could make a reality show like "Survivor-Bass Resource" ?
  20. It goes in spells, sometimes OK, sometimes slow. Same at work and home computer.
  21. Falcon Bucoo and Shimano Compre.
  22. Right now my 3 words are too dang cold, followed by warm up soon.
  23. I'm about 50/50 tennis shoes/sandals. The tennis shoes get demoted from good, everyday shoes, then down to fishin' shoes, and last stop, lawn mowing, weed trimming shoes. The rest of the time it's sandals. I've got a pair of Nike sandals and the first time I wore them my buddies started calling me "Moses", so now they're known as my "Air Moses" sandals.
  24. In my line of work I see a lot of people who could work but won't, they've figured out a way to "beat the system". Me, I've got a mortgage and bills to pay and if I lost my job I'd take any job I could find. I find little things like electricity and a roof over my head convenient
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