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Boogey Man

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Everything posted by Boogey Man

  1. Baitcaster with 6:1 gear ratio, 6'6" MH rod, 12lb mono.
  2. What do you guys like about the XF action? Seems like it might be good for jigs but limit the use of the rod in some other areas... This will be one of 5 rods I tournament fish with (co-angler) so it needs to be versatile as well. I'll primarily throw jigs and t-rigged paca craws on it, but it may do spinnerbait duty, buzzbait duty, etc. on some occasions. In the past I've always liked fast actions over XF for versatility, but I"ve got a Bass Pro 10 minutes away so I may have to go look at the Carbonlites X2 It's available in a 7' too. I bought XF primarily for worms and jigs. I have thrown spinnerbaits on it but I can't really vouch for it with these lures because I haven't had much luck on spinnerbaits this year :'(. Here's some good reading on rod actions in case you haven't already checked it out http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/rod-actions-power.html
  3. Thanks, .RM., those look good too.
  4. Having used both a Revo S and Citica, my vote would be for the Citica. I do have a Catalyst, which is a step up from the Kinetic but still favor the Citica.
  5. It's a little shy of 7', but I have the 6'9" MH ex.fast Carbonlite that I've been using and I really like it.
  6. Thanks, Scott. That's the best price I've seen.
  7. In a magazine a few years ago I saw a double T-Rig. You ran your line throught the sinker, then tied to a split ring. Then put 2 worm hooks on the split ring. Never tried it myself, though.
  8. You can make some out of a really heavy gauge wire. Be careful-- I did this to one of my rods, and now the line gets caught on it every so often. Thanks. I searched a few online rod building sites today and found some. Might be my winter project.
  9. I think Wal Mart sells Abu Garcia grease and Zebco oil. If that's all you can get, it's better than nothing but I'd look for something a little better. This year I've been used Ardent Reel Butter oil and grease and I like it so far.
  10. Anyone know where to buy the open ended hook hangers like the ones on Kistler and Bass Pro shops rods? To me, these are so much better than the closed ones for hooking lures on, especially T-rigs. I figured if I could find some, with a little thread and epoxy it wouldn't be too hard to add to my rods. Thanks.
  11. Along with the techniques already mentioned, I like to use them on a split-shot rig in clear water.
  12. I've fished since I was six, fising ponds and wading creeks. My earliest memory of fishing was when I was about 6 and my grandparents took me to their pond. My grandfather was on one side and my grandmother was on the other. Everytime one of their bobbers would go under they would hollar at me and run me from one side to the other. I started "bass fishing" in '93. So fishing in general, 34 years, bass fishing, 17 years.
  13. I don't have a Johnny Morris but I do have 3 Citicas, 2 200E's and 1 100D and they're awesome.
  14. In clear water I'll cast right to the heart any cover such as a stump or patch of vegetation. I don't want the fish getting a long look at my lure as reel it up to the target. I guess that's what I consider more of reaction strike. Put it right in his nose and don't give him time to think about it
  15. In stained or muddy water I'll put a 2 or 3 inch curly tail grub on the trailer hook for a little added bulk and action.
  16. 3/8 oz. jig with a Zoom salty chunk or tiny salty chunk for a quicker fall.
  17. Check Cabale's website, you can get that reel for $90. I have one, it's a nice reel. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0064150123995a&navCount=1&podId=0064150&parentId=cat601360&masterpathid=&navAction=jump&cmCat=MainCatcat21404-cat21406-cat601360_TGP&catalogCode=9IS&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat601360&hasJS=true
  18. I'm curious to see the new Smoke series rods too.
  19. I've seen some nasty things but I've never seen anything like that canned chicken .
  20. In the places I fish a five pounder is a good fish. I started seriously bass fishing in '94 or '95 and I could count the ones I've caught on both hands. My personal best was 5lb 9oz.
  21. I swore when my membership ran out this spring I wasn't going to renew, but I ate my words and renewed. The price on the cover is $4.95 per issue so if you can get a one year subscription for $12 bucks you're saving money. Plus any free tackle, bags, etc.
  22. None so far but I just got it this spring. What are the problems supposed to be?
  23. It was a tip from a "developer and engineer" at All Pro rods. It says to wrap a 2 X 1/4 inch strip between guides #'s 3,4,5 and 6, with the tip guide being #0. He says that's one of the tricks they use to stiffen a rod when they're still designing it. That's the cool thing about fishing, always experimenting and tinkering.
  24. I read that too. I've got an old Bass Pro Bionic Blade that I may try it on just to see.
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