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Boogey Man

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Everything posted by Boogey Man

  1. I bought a Tournament Pro a few months ago. This thing is a casting freak! The first time I used it I had to be careful because I was actually overshooting my targets. I've used baits down to 3/16oz with no problems. It's profile is very small and easy to palm. The flat paddle grips and very comfortable. I've read where some people don't like the braking system because it only has 4 centrifugal brakes but it's no big deal because I only set two on anyway. I'd buy another one in a heartbeat.
  2. http://fish.shimano.com/publish/content/global_fish/en/us/index/customer_service0/reel_maintenance_instructions.download.-mainParsys-0001-downloadFile.html/Maintenance%20Tips-%20Baitcasting%20Reels%20(2%20pages).pdf
  3. Just curious if anyone has tried one of the new Optimus casting reels. No one in my area sells them so I've never handled one. They look like nice reels.
  4. http://www.worldfishingnetwork.com/videos/channels/gear/pinnacle-tournament-class-reels-68276.aspx
  5. Maybe Shimano will team up with Campbells Alphabets Soup next year to win ICAST best of show. "Which Curado are you using?" "It's the B, no D, no, E, no, G",
  6. Anyone know how to contact Cal Sheets and see if he's heard of Francho? I have one Okuma,the Serrano. It's a good reel. I'd be willing to try their new reels.
  7. I reel right handed but learned to cast left handed out of necessity. I used to fish with a guy who was the world's worst boat operator. He would have you pointed out to the middle, straight into the bank or anywhere in between. That way I could fish regardless of boat positioning. Now I cast more left handed than right handed.
  8. 40, turning 41 in about 3 weeks.
  9. I don't have any Pinnacle reels but I do have an Okuma Serrano that I really like. It will cast as good or better than any reel I own,(including a Fuego) and it's probably the most "palmable" reel I've used. After doing bit of searching, I'm betting Okuma's are made by Pinnacle/Silstar. Check out the picture of the Okuma Cayenne then look at the Pinnacle Matrix at the bottom. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=okuma+cayenne&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&oe=utf8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=9678059996588627277&ei=XptITdjnIMjZgQeLp_mFBg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CBsQ8wIwAQ#
  10. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Have a good day and stay safe if you're traveling.
  11. Just watched the trailers. It actually looked like it might be good. http://www.truegritmovie.com/?gclid=CMjIyd6CvKUCFcgK2godIXJmYg
  12. I just bought a Serrano a while back. I've only used it three times (unless you count about a thousand casts from the front porch ) and so far I'm as impressed with this reel as I have been with any reel I've bought. Last weekend I was casting 3/16oz spinnerbaits and it handled light baits as well as heavy ones. Their breaking system is VERY effective. The profile is similar to Daiwa and on the retrieve it's a cross between Daiwa's "connected" feeling and Shimano's smoothness. The anti reverse has zero backplay. Can't speak for longevity or durability, but overall, I think it's an excellent reel.
  13. X3 on the Megastrike. No spraying, no dunking, no mess. It stays on a long time. As far as my opinion on the use of scents, I think they help the fish hang on to the lure a little longer, giving me more time to set the hook.
  14. Bandit 100 and Strike King Series 1.
  15. Bass Pro has them on sale several times a year. Right now in their Christmas catalog they're on sale for 59 bucks. So if you're asking $50+shipping (if you're not selling locally), it may not be such a good buy. I know, I have a few Extremes and Bionic Blades that I figure unless I want to give them away, I'm stuck with them.
  16. This thread reminded me of an old Saturday Night Live skit. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ms6e_saturday-night-live-colon-blow_fun
  17. I bought one, used it once and returned it. Casting distance was great but the thumbar wouldn't always re-engage when the handle was turned. I also had to tighten the drag star as tight as I could turn it to keep even a few small fish from taking line. May have been a lemon but I wouldn't recommend it.
  18. I've had one since spring. It's my main T-rig and jig rod. I wouldn't hesitate a minute to get another one. It's the 6'9" MH extra fast.
  19. It's plenty fast enough for me. I have a couple of Citica 200E's, the retrieve on them is 27 IPT so one inch less is no big deal.
  20. Thanks. Tackletour.com gave it a pretty good rating http://www.tackletour.com/reviewokumaserrano.html
  21. The pics not great but this is an Okuma Serrano I added to the collection yesterday. Got to use it the first time today and really liked it.
  22. 1 Fuego, 2 Citica 200E's, 1 Citica 100D, 1 Quantum Catalyst, and just added an Okuma Serrano. Too many out there to stick with just one
  23. My alternator is 18 amps so Way2slow I get what you're saying. Rhino, most of my runs are short. The lakes I fish are fairly small and I fish a river where I mostly use the trolling motor and only use the outboard to get back to the ramp. I've seen these in Bass Pro catalogs and always wondered about them but what you guys said makes a lot of sense. Thanks, guys.
  24. Anybody ever tried one of these? I've always been curious if they really worked or not. http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-XPS-12V-Phase-Charger/product/27369/-704071
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