Here's my .02, If Mr. Yamamoto wants to continue to sell his baits at 6$ a bag, he will lose a large part of his share of the market. With so many cheaper knock-offs on the market, he will eventually have to lowe the price.
Here's the scenario, im 13 years old looking to buy a bait, and I have read dad's old bassmasters magazines and know all about the senko and the craze that has followed them. Mom's taking me to Gander Mountain to buy some knew fishin stuff. Being on an allowance, I am limited in my funds, say, twenty dollars a week. I'm looking at the senkos and I've got one picked out, now, out of the corner of my eye, I see these plastic baits that look just like the senkos i have in my hand. I quickly throw the senkos down and grab a bag of yum-dingers and a nice new rapala for a dollar more than a bag of senkos. Im feeling like the bargain shopper my father is!
Back at the old fishin spot, I'm catchin fish left and right with this yum-dinger. I deplete my resources and with next weeks allowance I decide to go back and buy some more bait. What do you think i'm going to buy? Yum-dingers. Now say I don't catch anything on this bait that looks like a senko, will i buy the senkos this time? Not a chance.
Now, im all grown up and have a job and I can actually afford senkos, but these yum-dingers have worked well all of my younger years. Will I buy the senkod? Probably not.
Now, the moral of my story is,,if he wants to appeal to the younger anglers, he had better offer a better price tag, or else the younger angler will most likely buy the cheapest equivelant.
This is an unbiased observation, as I really dont use either one. I have tried them both with limited success and prefer not to use them at all.
Just my .02,,,agree or disagree. Nice post, by the way Low Budget. I can see the boards parting like the red sea