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Everything posted by GonzoFishing

  1. I would wait for the 25% discount coupon to come from Sports Authority and get a Quantum Boca
  2. Welcome!
  3. Welcome!
  4. Thanks for the input! I've had snook one other time and to be honest, I wasn't too impressed. My brother told me he tried it breaded and deep fried and said it was really good so I was hoping to give it another try. Either way it didn't happen for me today. We did catch a bunch of peacock bass which was fun!
  5. I know this question is about another species but I'm posting this in the Southeast section because its a very location specific question. I'm heading to a small lake here in Miami. This is one of those lakes that is connected to other lakes by canals that eventually lead to the bay. These small lakes hold freshwater and saltwater fish. My question is this. Would you keep a snook you caught from one of these lakes? I've always heard that its not a good idea to eat the freshwater fish that live in the canals due to pollution but I figured since this was a saltwater fish it might be alright. Anyway, any input would be appreciated
  6. Spinnerbaits are one of my favorite lures! I love how it just stops on the retrieve when you get a hit ;D
  7. Nice post! Looks like a cool spot to fish
  8. Nice fish! Looks like that spinners' proving to be a good investment ;D
  9. Try the Griffin Rd canal, work west from 441. Thanks for the tip! I actually went out to a small lake right off of Turnpike & 836 today and caught a very small snook and then hooked and lost an estimated 25lb tarpon! It hit a shiner and went airborne twice before it dove under some weeds and cut me off. Also caught some peacocks and a small large mouth. Another angler caught a nice catfish with a shiner. All in all a all a good day, South Florida style! ;D
  10. Peacock Bass, tilapia, oscars and a bunch of unknown cichlids. I occasionally see snook but haven't convinced one yet.
  11. Nice fish! Must feel great to catch a fatty with your own lure! Congrats
  12. 87150 Japanese Yen = 925.871426444 US Dollars Nice, but not that nice
  13. Welcome to the forum!
  14. Welcome! Its a great site
  15. Nice fatty!
  16. I have the slow sink and just like Dink said, cast out, count down and start a steady retrieve. Its a great smaller size swimbait!
  17. Getting a new PB is always awesome! Congrats
  18. She must have got her license here in So. Florida ;D!
  19. Your right ;D. Anacondas are the huge ones from the Amazon. ! I have heard that the monitor lizards are a problem too but so far I havent seen any. Not that I'm all deep in the Glades so for all I know they're are all over the place too. I know the iguanas are! The snake in the pic was probably born in the Glades.
  20. Not really sure if this is the right spot for this post but I figured the forum would enjoy the pics. I went out Saturday morning to an Everglades canal hoping to catch a couple of decent fish. No luck >! Did manage to run across a dead anaconda ! You can sort of gauge the size by comparing my brothers boots. He's a size 10! The State is trying to eradicate the snakes since they are an invasive species. Dont think its going to work if you ask me ;D. I've already seen a few babies and these things dont have any known predators.
  21. 3 years is a long time to wait dude! Congrats on your new PB!
  22. I bought a pair and ended up returning them. Didnt work any better than a set of longnose pliers IMO.
  23. Trust me that was noticed immediately upon catching those fish. I'm beginning to think that with the small size of that pond and the size of the bass they are probably eating up the small bait fish pretty quickly. I'm not sure what needs to be done whether we need to remove any smaller bass we catch or transplant the big ones to another pond that is close to there and much larger in size? Any recommendations? :-/ If the owner of the pond is ok with you taking some of the dinks out then thats what I'd do. Less competition for food. I definitely wouldnt transplant the big fish! Might just ruin a good thing
  24. Welcome to the forum!
  25. Welcome to the forum!
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