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Everything posted by GonzoFishing

  1. Nice fish! I'm guessing 6-8
  2. I recently started using it and it seems to help when the bite is tough. I love that it comes in a tube which makes it easy to apply and alot less messy!
  3. Great idea!
  4. When nothing else is working I dont mind using a live blue gill! I've caught some decent fish out of small lakes with them too. I hook them through the lips and I dont use a float. Just freeline them.
  5. Nice fish, congrats! I love the fight peacocks give you ;D
  6. Every weekend and every time I take a day off from work ;D
  7. We need that judge down here in So. Florida! I see scumbags breaking the law all the time >
  8. Congrats! A new PB is always a good thing!
  9. Nice fish!
  10. Glad they found another use for it because imo it sucked as a line conditioner! ;D
  11. Nice hit! Too bad the frogs are so expensive
  12. Congrats on your new PB!
  13. I was out at Wolf Lake in Davie yesterday and didnt have any luck at all! I did see a small school of peacocks (5-7 fish) which was nice.
  14. Just want to add that you should make sure the knots and the line in between are wet before pulling them together and tight.
  15. My brothers and I make the same bet when we take pops out fishing ;D Normally lose to him too :'(
  16. Wouldn't be surprised if the record is broken, again! Thats a beast!
  17. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the input. Heading out tomorrow to a local lake so hopefully I get to break it in with a fatty ;D
  18. Hi everyone! I need your opinion. I received a rod/reel combo as a gift and was wondering what style of fishing you would use it for. Here are the specs: Shimano Curado 201E7 loaded with 30lb braid BPS Extreme 6'10" MH Extra Fast 10-20lb, 3/6-3/4oz lure wt. This would be the shortest rod that I own and I'm not really sure what to use it for (jig, worm, small swimbaits?). I live in So.Florida if that makes a difference. I appreciate any input you can offer
  19. Nice catch! Good looking bait too
  20. Great fish! Thats one of the biggest I've seen caught!
  21. Inshore saltwater? Captain Mo out of Miami is the way to go. Check out his website: www.newdawncharters.com Great Captain and a great all around guy!
  22. Thanks for the tip!
  23. Anyone know of a spot near Miami where I can catch catfish? I see some small ones in the canals but so far haven't seen any decent sized ones. Thanks
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