I just measured my drag for the very first time. My results were IMHO, very surprising. Usually I set it by feel. I pull on the line and set it to where I think it's tight enough. The rod was a Loomis MBR782, the reel a Conquest 50 and the line was 10# Sniper FC. For the weight, I grabbed three 16oz cans of diced tomatoes out of the pantry and I weighed them on a scale. Total weight for the three cans was around 3# 3oz. I put the cans in a plastic bag and I attached the hook to the plastic bag and I began to lift. I found out that I needed to crank the drag all the way down to the point that it is locked down in order to lift the bag off the ground. My 2 power Loomis was bent over in a way that I was uncomfortable with. I then repeated the process with 2 cans and then 1 can. The results were extremely surprising. I don't even come close to setting my drag that tight when I fish. I probably have it set at around 1#. Even with just 1 can of tomatoes elevated off the ground, the line still kept creeping out until I tightened the drag until it stopped creeping. When I pulled on the line at that drag setting, it was harder to pull out than it is when I am fishing. These results make me wonder why in the heck people place such a big emphasis on a strong drag for a reel that is used for bass fishing.