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I Put The O in Pro

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About I Put The O in Pro

  • Birthday 06/12/1984

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  • Location
    Texarkana TX

I Put The O in Pro's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. If I were u I would say on Degray, and one day drive down to millwood lake about 1 hour from Degray, if u like fishing cypress trees and alot of brush. At millwood you have a chance of catching a 10 + at anytime. The fish hold very tight to the cypress trees there in the summer. Good Luck
  2. I was wondering if anyone has one of the rods& reels or every used one. BPS sayrd they only have 500 of them left but only seen them in the store can't find them online.
  3. So you are saying just tie on about 10 feet of mono when i tie the knot to the spool Thanks for your help
  4. I was fishing yesterday with braid on the reel I was using and the drag seem to quite working. I work on the reel in the boat for a while, but nothing. When I got home I was taken the line off the reel and I stop about 10 yd left and pulled on the drag and it was working fine. It seems the the drag was sliping or something with the braid on. Has anyone every had this problem. The braid was spider wire braid if that helps
  5. I was wondering if anyone fished Bob sandlin or the other lake not sure of the name but the power plants warms it up. Was wondering the patterin for these lakes or if any good fish are caught out of these lakes.
  6. Thanks yall I will let yall know how I did when I get back.
  7. Yea I like texarkana, but not alot of stuff to do but it is getting better. Crime is not to bad.
  8. Does anyone here fishing lake fork I live 2 hours away from it, and I am going for my first time. I know they are going to be deep right know temp here is 102 so i was wondering if anyone had any advice.
  9. yea I fising millwood and brinkley alot I just get mad at wright patman because I can't do very good there for some reason but you are right millwood is one of the best lakes in ark for bass.
  10. quantum PT is the only way to go.
  11. I was just wondering if any one fishes this area. Lake wright patman is my home town lake and that is were I have my worst luck. I can go to any other lake an slay the fishing but patman is just so dirty and muddy it just throws me off. Never caught over 5 fishing on a trip there.
  12. My dad and I love to go fishing together aleast once a week. Not all the time but alot he will keep 5 fishing I seen him keep from 14 to 22 inches of bass unless we are on a lake with a slot. I have tried to talk to him about this and he thinks he still needs to keep them to eat. He is old school I guess, but is he really hurting the lake and not giveing the bass a chance to get trophy size or just leave him alone about it. Or do any of all have any ideas on what to tell him that might make him stop keeping the fising.,
  13. Hi everyone what a great site glad to be a memeber. I have seen the new red fishing line berkely makes and have fishing with it, but I was watching in fisherman the other day and they SAID they did a test on it to see if it really vanishes after three feet underwater. The people at in fisherman said that it does not but did not show them doing the testing. I was wondering if this is true or if berkely is not a sponser of them so they just trash talk them.
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