Please tell me this was sarcasm.
Don't mind the fact this has destroyed peoples lives. As long as you get your cheap gas. You would think a fisherman would want better for other fisherman, but no, just cheap gas for ME, ME, ME. The new American way: "It's all about me and I don't care if I screw you in the process". Hope you took plenty of pictures of the reefs down in Florida, cause if it hits there, your kids, and your kids kids will probably never see a live reef in thier lifetime. BP made how many BILLIONS of dollars in profits last year? If they wanted you to have cheap gas they could give it to you, but all they care about is thier bottom line. When your taxes get increased to help pay for the cleanup (and your crazy if you think BP is gonna foot this bill themselves) I hope you'll still be happy geting your cheap gas at the pump, cause if you haven't figured out how big business in America works yet I will enlighten you; They screw up, we pay for it....
While my thoughts and prayers are with everyone effected by the oil spill I feel Americans can't afford another rise in gas prices. If gas goes over $4 a gallon again you are going to see an economic crisis that will be far worse than this ecological disaster.