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Joe Boss

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About Joe Boss

  • Birthday 10/18/1965

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    upstate NY

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. BP's share price has plunged by as much as 49 percent losing tens of billions of dollars off its market value since the accident on April 22. Thats a 13 year low for the stock. Doesn't sound like record profits to me.
  2. Celtics!!!
  3. Please tell me this was sarcasm. Nope. Don't mind the fact this has destroyed peoples lives. As long as you get your cheap gas. You would think a fisherman would want better for other fisherman, but no, just cheap gas for ME, ME, ME. The new American way: "It's all about me and I don't care if I screw you in the process". Hope you took plenty of pictures of the reefs down in Florida, cause if it hits there, your kids, and your kids kids will probably never see a live reef in thier lifetime. BP made how many BILLIONS of dollars in profits last year? If they wanted you to have cheap gas they could give it to you, but all they care about is thier bottom line. When your taxes get increased to help pay for the cleanup (and your crazy if you think BP is gonna foot this bill themselves) I hope you'll still be happy geting your cheap gas at the pump, cause if you haven't figured out how big business in America works yet I will enlighten you; They screw up, we pay for it.... While my thoughts and prayers are with everyone effected by the oil spill I feel Americans can't afford another rise in gas prices. If gas goes over $4 a gallon again you are going to see an economic crisis that will be far worse than this ecological disaster.
  4. Thats a nice haul!! I love fishing for Fluke, one of my favorite fish to eat.
  5. Hurricane = act of God Oil Spill = man made disaster In the case of the oil spill we know who was responsible and they will have to pay restitution. The American people should not and will not have to foot the bill on this one. That's the reason you don't see benefit concerts. It is a shame since I predict BP will drag out paying the restitution part as long as they can. It is the corporate way.
  6. Please tell me this was sarcasm. Nope.
  7. My son's boy scout pack participated in the local Memorial day parade. They carried a rope with yellow ribbons attached each representing a soldier that has fallen in Iraq and Afganistan. it was sobering to see how many ribbons there were. The rope seemed to go on forever and the ribbons, so many, too many...
  8. I couldn't agree more.
  9. Please don't let them stop drilling because of this, I like cheap gas ;D
  10. These things look like the fast way to a broken toe. :-/
  11. $900 on new brakes, tire rotation, alignment, spark plugs, oil change, filters and other assorted car maintence issues. Oh and $500 deposit on the lot they are going to build my first house on
  12. Congratulations! Nice to hear someone is doing well in this gloom and doom economy. The Gov here in NY is about to force 1 day a week furloughs on over half the state employees next week.
  13. There aint really a problem with a 20 year old dating a 17 year old. Wow 2-3 year difference. It really is not that much. It wouldn't matter at older ages but it makes a difference at those ages. Of course, that's just my opinion. I agree 100% Stay away from the young-un's they are to clingy anyway.
  14. While out fishing for Fluke one day I hooked a doormat sized Skate. What a fight that beast put up.
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