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Everything posted by Joshawa

  1. Thats a very good point. If you are trying to teach someone how to fish plastics these colors are perfect because they can actually see them rather than just fishing them by feel.
  2. I used to be a little gun shy with cranks, but I have started to use them in situations where I would normally throw plastics and it has paid off. My fav. time to use them is on the river when fishing for smallies. Around here I have had tremendous luck with Storm Wiggle warts and Suspending Wiggle warts in fallen timer, rocks, and submerged grassbeds. As was stated before, just keep them in the water and you will catch fish.
  3. ;D We need more Big Lebowski references around here
  4. I caught this bad boy on a 5" Senko earlier this year
  5. Thats awesome. I still remember my first bass, its hanging on the wall at my parents cottage. A whopping 16" monster Caught on a slug-o.
  6. The weather was awesome last week the sun was out and the lake was nice and calm. This is a lake that gets little bass pressure so when its sunny you can set your watch to the slobs heading into the shade line and heading to the docks. I'm glad some fellow Wisconsinites were able to take advantage pf the nice weather.
  7. I made it up to my parents cabin last week for a couple days and was fortunate enough to get on the lake. Over the course of 3 days me and my dad got on some really nice fish in the shade lines and under docks/pontoons. Almost all of them were taken in less than 3 feet of water on 5" Yum Dingers Here are a couple of the ones I managed to get pictures of:
  8. Aw man what a heart breaker... but you'll get him next time, and he will be bigger
  9. I am on the hunt for the elusive 25+ inch, 8 pound slob that has been coming to me in my dreams Thats the next one to go on the wall....Well a fiberglass version of her anyway Keep in mind....this is Wisconsin
  10. The first one, from what we can see.
  11. Agreed They do not "hang their hats" anywhere in particular. A fish's brain is very small and their behavior is quite predictable, mostly the product of instinct and triggered responses from environmental stimuli. Fish will be where the food is, where the water is comfortable and where the oxygen is sufficient.
  12. On mine I have a double sided all purpose Plano box that I can keep a few small cranks, sinkers, worm hooks, swivels, etc. On the other side I just use that to store my spare line, you can fit at least 3 300yd spools in there with boxes (even more without).
  13. I Agree with using mono first. Not only will you avoid "slipping" and drag issues but its also cheaper to fill part of the spool with mono rather than the more expensive braid.
  14. If your fishing in heavy cover its a good idea to "horse" her out of the cover so she doesn't get all tangled in deep, but after you get her out you should just use your judgment and keep good tension on the line so she doesn't throw the hook.
  15. When I got out I usually only use 2 set-ups (bring four, use 2...) I use: 1) 6' 6" medium-heavy rod with a 6.2 gear ratio baitcaster with 14lb test mono for heavy/ large lures. (Spinners, buzz-baits, large cranks, etc.) 2) 6' medium-heavy action rod with 5.2 GR spinning reel with 10lb test Fireline for all my plastics and smaller lures. The two combos work for all different situations, are affordable and lastly its easy to transport and manage 2 setups. HTH
  16. Nice to see some people fishing in some lakes I've actually been to, or could day trip to for that matter. I live in the green bay area and try to get out whenever I can. Most of the time I get out on the pigeon pond or out to the clover leaf lakes (Shawano-Clintonville) but make it up to the Pickerel area on weekends. I don't own a boat yet so I normally just piggy back with anyone thats going out and am always looking for someone to go with.
  17. Joshawa


    Hello Everyone, I just want to introduce myself a little bit. I live in Wisconsin and have been Bass fishing since I was little in the back of my old man's boat. While I was attending college I didn't have much of an opportunity to go out fishing but I am back now and try to get out whenever I can. I like to fish with various plastic baits (Black 10" power worms are my all time fav.) Anyway, I look forward to getting to know some people here, learning a few things, and maybe even sharing a thing or two.
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