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About Rubi22

  • Birthday 08/19/1988

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    <p>Tampa, FL</p>

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Fry (1/9)



  1. Not sure how to answer this one.
  2. Thank you, that's the response I needed And yes, I came from a spinning-reel background. I'll give that a try within the next few days. Next question: How do I fix a bad backlash? I bought a spool of 50lb Power Pro, and one of the backlashes I encountered was so bad that I had to (I think I had to) cut until the problem was solved. Unfortunately the problem was solved when my entire reel was bare and all my line was in 100 pieces. It was only about 75-100 yards. Edit: I forgot to add that the last question was for future knowledge so I don't get aggravated and waste a bunch of line. BTW, now that I'm out of line, what's a decent pound-test for that reel (braided)?
  3. Got a baitcaster, went to try it out, got aggravated with the birds nests, yadda yadda yadda... That'll take some practice (tips are appreciated). The problem I'm having is trying to cast it. Do I cast sideways? From the ground up? Totally horizontal? Everytime I try to cast (on my right side), the lure shoots far left. Almost like I need to compensate for the overshoot to the left. I know I'm doing something wrong. Is my tension too tight/loose? I would've just tested it out, but the more I practiced, the more time I had to sit and pull out birds nests, so I'd rather have a starting point. For the record, this is my combo in the 6'6" size: --------------------------------------------------------- Nevermind, I can't post links. It's a quantum bill dance series in the 6'6" size (~$60)
  4. I voted for "landing the fish and taking a good look at it", but it's a close race with "fighting the fish". In my opinion, it's two different kinds of satisfaction. Fighting the fish is the hyped-up adrenaline rush that still allows for a chance of failure (losing the fish), so a bit of excitement and nervousness combine for that adrenaline rush. Then again, holding up that hog for a picture is a totally different feeling (that of success). Kind of like when I played sports as a kid: The act of playing was by far the most exciting, but some of the best times I remember happened after winning the divisional playoffs and celebrating. Cliff-notes version: Where's the "all of the above" option? ;D
  5. Definitely depends on where I fish. Sometimes private lakes will produce the most, but other times I'll be fishing an empty pond and not even know it! I've yet to fish big lakes before so usually anywhere from 2-6 is a great day for me.
  6. Thanks for all the welcoming. Should be heading out (to my backyard ;D) to do a little fishing bright and early. Hopefully I can catch that 6lber again
  7. Holy crap, ya'll respond faster than the Jeep forum I'm on that has over 150k members! I go to modify my post, and the next thing I know I've got three responses ;D
  8. Hey all, Been fishing for a couple years, but nothing too serious at the same time. I still consider myself a newb, though I've caught a couple pretty good sized bass, IMO. I've been reading here for a while and learning some great tips, hoping to learn some more and eventually be able to contribute also. PS-I'd post some pictures but I guess I'll have to wait. PSS-Mods, please move if this isn't in the correct location. I'm still not very familiar with the subforums of this site. EDIT-I almost forgot! I caught my PB today, 6 lbs on a shiner. Also caught 3 FL gar, one upwards of 20"
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