Got a baitcaster, went to try it out, got aggravated with the birds nests, yadda yadda yadda... That'll take some practice (tips are appreciated).
The problem I'm having is trying to cast it. Do I cast sideways? From the ground up? Totally horizontal? Everytime I try to cast (on my right side), the lure shoots far left. Almost like I need to compensate for the overshoot to the left. I know I'm doing something wrong. Is my tension too tight/loose? I would've just tested it out, but the more I practiced, the more time I had to sit and pull out birds nests, so I'd rather have a starting point.
For the record, this is my combo in the 6'6" size:
Nevermind, I can't post links. It's a quantum bill dance series in the 6'6" size (~$60)