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About bassinri

  • Birthday 05/07/1969

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    Rhode Island

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  1. I know you posted a while ago but my fav is a Zoom finesse worm in green pumpkinn useing a 18 inch fluro leader 2 pound test heavier than what the reel is spooled with. Rig it texas style weightless or with a small clam shot right above where you tie the leader on. Cast it out and let it sink and give it a few cranks occasionally. This is a deadly method especially when fish are lethargic from the hot weather etc. Really you can use any plastic like a Senko, Hula Grub etc. Its great for suspended bass as well as bass on the bottom. I use it all times of year.
  2. Was at the Cape this past weekend. Smallies were on beds or done. Largemouth weren't on beds yet. Gut who won our tournament there got 26 pounds on 8 fish all off beds and all smallies.
  3. I fish there regularly and have been doing very well. It doesnt really go through a severe turnover so its a good fall pond. A bit of alge bloom is the worst it really gets. Keep trying.
  4. EFFECTIVE Oct 1. as per new state budget. Sec. 443. Section 26-28 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2009): (a) Except as provided in subsection ( of this section, the fees for firearms hunting, archery hunting, trapping and sport fishing licenses or for the combination thereof shall be as follows: (1) Resident firearms hunting license, [fourteen] twenty-eight dollars; (2) resident fishing license, [twenty] forty dollars; (3) resident marine waters fishing license, thirty dollars; (4) one-day resident marine waters fishing license, fifteen dollars; (5) resident all-waters fishing license, fifty dollars; (6) resident combination license to [firearms hunt and] fish in inland waters and firearms hunt, [twenty-eight] fifty-six dollars; [(4)] (7) resident combination license to fish in marine waters and firearms hunt, fifty dollars; (8) resident combination license to fish in all waters and firearms hunt, sixty dollars; (9) resident combination license to fish in all waters and bow and arrow permit to hunt deer and small game issued pursuant to section 26-86c, as amended by this act, eighty-four dollars; (10) resident firearms super sport license to fish in all waters and firearms hunt, firearms private land shotgun or rifle deer permit issued pursuant to section 26-86a, as amended by this act, and permit to hunt wild turkey during the spring season on private land issued pursuant to section 26-48a, as amended by this act, one hundred sixteen dollars; (11) resident archery super sport license to fish in all waters, bow and arrow permit to hunt deer and small game issued pursuant to section 26-86c, as amended by this act, and permit to hunt wild turkey during the spring season on private land issued pursuant to section 26-48a, as amended by this act, one hundred four dollars; (12) resident trapping license, [twenty-five] fifty dollars; [(5)] (13) resident junior trapping license for persons under sixteen years of age, [three] fifteen dollars; [(6)] (14) junior firearms hunting license, [three] fifteen dollars; [(7)] (15) nonresident firearms hunting license, [sixty-seven] one hundred thirty-four dollars; [(8)] (16) nonresident inland waters fishing license, [forty] eighty dollars; [(9)] (17) nonresident inland waters fishing license for a period of three consecutive days, [sixteen] thirty-two dollars; [(10)] (18) nonresident marine waters fishing license, sixty dollars; (19) nonresident marine waters fishing license for a period of three consecutive days, twenty-four dollars; (20) nonresident all-waters fishing license, one hundred dollars; (21) nonresident combination license to firearms hunt and inland waters fish, [eighty-eight] one hundred seventy-six dollars; [and (11)] (22) nonresident combination license to fish in all waters and firearms hunt, one hundred ninety dollars; (23) nonresident combination license to fish in marine waters and firearms hunt, one hundred seventy dollars; and (24) nonresident trapping license, two hundred fifty dollars. Persons sixty-five years of age and over who have been residents of this state for not less than one year and who meet the requirements of subsection ( of section 26-31 may be issued [a lifetime] an annual license to firearms hunt or to fish or combination license to fish and firearms hunt or a license to trap without fee. The issuing agency shall indicate on a combination license the specific purpose for which such license is issued. The town clerk shall retain a recording fee of one dollar for each license issued by him.
  5. East Bay Bassmasters is accepting boaters and non-boaters. Club is very active and is making out 2010 tournament schedule now. We plan to have numerous opens as well as club T's. If you want to fish with friends and learn and have fun doing it, look no further! Please PM me for more info. Thanks.
  6. I am a firm believer in scents in slow presentaion baits. I use Bang Crawfish scent and do hnestly notice a difference. Me and a friend will both be fishing the same exact lure out of the same boat and I use the Bang and he doesnt and I will catch more fish. I can also cast 4 times or so into one spot and get no bites then cast useing the Bang crawfish and get a bite. I do notice alot more junk fish bites as well.
  7. I have had nothing but problems with the black BPS bags. The last one I purchased ripped open the 1st time I used it sending fish out the side and on the ground. I took it back to BPS and they game me another one and it was leaking from the 1st time I used it again. I proceded to throw it in the trash where they belong.
  8. He may be an excellent fisherman but he acts like a baby. I remember one Elite T where someone was fishing near him and he complained about it all day. Its hard not for TV to show him whining when thats all he did all day. It started in the morning and was still going on at the end of the day.
  9. As you probaably know black and green pumpkin are the best colors anytime but I especially like black anywhere at night. At night it's easier for a fish to see a dark color than a light one. They see the dark shadow type mass moving through the water better than a light colored one. Some companies have specific colored lures for night use such as Strike King with their Midnight Special spinnerbaits, that are all black. I use black worms, jigs, creaturebaits regularly and have excellent results. Good luck and be careful out there, or anywhere for that matter, night fishing.
  10. I was at Dicks a few days back and saw a endcap for these new hooks endorsed by Shaw Grigsby. They are put out by Lazer asnd are called Tro-kar. Supposed made of surgical steel. They came in this flashy back and blue custom package and they were 9 freakin 99 for 6 hooks! I have to say things are getting a bit out of hand. I dont care if they have a special lazer point or not. Would you buy these? Am I alnoe in my disgust, lol.
  11. Even if it was legal, which in most states I dont think you can even have alcohol on board, I wouldn't drink, driving or passenger.
  12. Depends on the girth. Going by the photo Id say 3.75 to 4. Keep tryin!
  13. I have fished from upstate New York to my house in Rhode Island 250 miles away and have been having TERRIBLE outings. At this point I don't know what to use. Usually I will have a Zoom finesse worm rigged to an Ikey head or other shakey type jig and work it really slow but to be honest that's not even producing. I just can't believe how slow it is. The weather hasn't even been really hot like it usually is when it gets slow like this. I wonder if even though the weather isn't hot the Bass are still in that deep water sluggish mode because their brains are just programmed to it this time of year.
  14. You know Im in
  15. The site I am reffering to educates you not just tells you the weather.
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