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About shutupnfish

  • Birthday 12/25/1972

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Bell County, Texas
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Love's me some small water.

shutupnfish's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Try wrapping the first layer sticky side out. That is if you don't mind multiple layers. Steve
  2. Any particular retrieval method (swim, hop, etc.) you prefer over the other? Steve
  3. Another tip is to trim a few of the strands from each leg flush with the body. Thinning the legs gives them more "action" especially when the frog is sitting still. Great article, thanks for spending the time. Steve
  4. Check out pondboss.com, lot's of good info to get you going in the right direction. Steve
  5. If you've got to dodge a lot of trees or brush when yer pond fishing, you might consider a shorter rod. I've been told if you hang a mesquite tree on the back swing you might as well reel over the birds nest, grab a snickers, and head home. Steve
  6. Strike King's are all I've got in my bag. Mainly 'cause that's all they sell at the local Academy as far as swim jigs. Only complaint so far is after one trip, they look like hell. At least one eye is missing, they go from bluegill to yellow paint, and the skirt is missing most of it's strands. Nice problem to have though, right? Steve
  7. I've been using a Ronson wind-resistant butane lighter the last couple of trips. Yeah, you gotta be careful not burn your finger or the line. But it's always "sharp." Steve
  8. Half ounce Strike King bluegill swim jig. Steve
  9. My old man was gettin' leg cramps at night somethin' fierce. He asked the doc about quinine pills, doc said to drink tonic water instead, it's got quinine in it. Now my old man swears by it. Steve
  10. It's usually me and mother nature, and she's always busy doing other stuff so a willing passerby is never around. Thanks for the ideas. Later. Steve
  11. Especially those that fly solo as I do 99.9% of the time. What's an ideal way to get some photo's of you and your fish, in the same pic? I've got a decent digital camera with a timer so I've got that end of it. Do I need to get a tripod? I could use the tailgate of my truck but it's usually a good distance from the water because it's a wee bit noisy. Any ideas? Thanks! Steve
  12. Spro bronzeye 65 because I can get 'em locally and even when half the paint is missing from relentless annihilation from LMB, they produce as if they're brand spankin' new. I'm sure the others perform just as well, but I've never tried them. Mainly because they're not offered around here. Don't fish soft plastic "toads" 'cause I don't like shelling out almost the same amount of cash for a 5 pack of whatever brand and I might get 5 fish. When I've used them though they seem to get decent results. Later. Steve
  13. Seems like I've read you can put spool bearings in a jar of cleaning solution then put jar and all in with the rest of the parts to be cleaned without the fear of cross contamination. Is this even possible? Steve
  14. I forgot to mention the bobber stops, I definitely use them. Thanks for the link to the video, I'll have to give it a try. What about casting methods? What are you fellas using to bust through? The lob seems to work best for me now, so I'm sticking with it. Well I'm off to give it anther try. We had a cold front blow in the other day though so its only going to be in the lower 90's. Might have to switch tactics. Steve
  15. My punch gear order I made last week was for two BOSS Weedeater skirted weights 1/2 oz and 3/4 oz. pack of KO punch hooks, pack of hippo stops. Neither of the BOSS skirts were anywhere near heavy enough for the stuff I'm dealing with. Might make some finesse punching rigs, or some kinda swimming jig. After doing a little more BR reading I was gonna give it another try with a 3/4 oz. tungsten weight, glass bead, punch hook, craw/creature/monkey and lose the skirt! After a couple of pitches I was casting it up a ways and let gravity take over. It was at this point that I hoped nobody was watching me. First couple of tries I thought this rig would work. Made some more lobs and I found this rig would not work. I think it even bounced once. So to Academy and back with 1 1/2 oz of tungsten. Went out for a hour two earlier for more skirtless punching. Fished from a dock that normally extends 25 feet out, 5 ft deep, next to a "rocky" boat ramp. Now it's 12 ft out, 5 ft. deep. Weeds are pretty solid out to 40 feet or more in some places. Figured this would be an ideal launching area. Still used the lob method, even with that much weight. Three fish, biggest was 2.5. Lost one that felt pretty heavy. Tried various craws and creatures and the space monkey gets the vote for durability and least amount of fouling. Fixing to give it another shot this evening for a while. Going to see what a 1 1/4 oz. of tungsten will do first. NOW IF ONLY I COULD LEARN TO TIE A SNELL KNOT!!!!! Later. Steve
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