My punch gear order I made last week was for two BOSS Weedeater skirted weights 1/2 oz and 3/4 oz. pack of KO punch hooks, pack of hippo stops. Neither of the BOSS skirts were anywhere near heavy enough for the stuff I'm dealing with. Might make some finesse punching rigs, or some kinda swimming jig. After doing a little more BR reading I was gonna give it another try with a 3/4 oz. tungsten weight, glass bead, punch hook, craw/creature/monkey and lose the skirt! After a couple of pitches I was casting it up a ways and let gravity take over. It was at this point that I hoped nobody was watching me. First couple of tries I thought this rig would work. Made some more lobs and I found this rig would not work. I think it even bounced once. So to Academy and back with 1 1/2 oz of tungsten. Went out for a hour two earlier for more skirtless punching. Fished from a dock that normally extends 25 feet out, 5 ft deep, next to a "rocky" boat ramp. Now it's 12 ft out, 5 ft. deep. Weeds are pretty solid out to 40 feet or more in some places. Figured this would be an ideal launching area. Still used the lob method, even with that much weight. Three fish, biggest was 2.5. Lost one that felt pretty heavy. Tried various craws and creatures and the space monkey gets the vote for durability and least amount of fouling. Fixing to give it another shot this evening for a while. Going to see what a 1 1/4 oz. of tungsten will do first. NOW IF ONLY I COULD LEARN TO TIE A SNELL KNOT!!!!! Later.