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Everything posted by Socalbassmaster

  1. Went out today at Castaic lake in So calif Man was it nice at first then got way bad I have been going out there since I was a kid. and been boating there for a long time first year with a bass boat. I thought I was going to sink I went up one wave and down the back and the hole front went under water it happend to fast We had no time to be scared. About a foot of water was in my boat at once the bilge pump took care of that in a hurry. the question is should I have went even slower then 5 miles an hour or idle it in next so that does not happen I think I was going to fast and slowed down to fast and I just went right under. The swells were like 3ft If you have ever been there in the wind u know. Great news I dont have to clean my carpet I know its not funny but WOW!!!!!!!
  2. Sweet it is a marine batt energizer brand deep cycle thank you for the info thats helps no I can put it all back together the guy We bought it from had a rat problem it took 2 days to clean it out what a mess
  3. 89 ranger390v 19.5 ft merc black max 200 stainless prop jack plate needs some work but having fun with it so far
  4. I have a 1989 390v ranger bass boat 19 ft great boat just got it have had some issues but working them out one by one here is one I have gone throw a ton of your topics Its the battery question again the TM has a 12 volt marine batt and the 2 six volts are for cranking should I reverse them and use the 2 trojon 6 volts for the TM and the 12 volt for cranking or leave them alone
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