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Everything posted by Socalbassmaster

  1. We have an 1989 anger 390v 200 merc black max 19.3 ft jack plate and all. I'm a big guy when I fill both tanks and me and my team go fishing, it takes my partner to sit on the front deck to get the boat on plane. I know the weight issue is that main thing we have figured I'm 270 my partner is 210 and the fuel is about 500 pounds. Maybe more or less, I have moved that jack plate from top to bottom and unless the fuel goes down we don't plane unless he sits on front deck. I'm thinking one tank or split half and half to drop some weight, or is it just me not setting my jack plate right it is hyd, so I can move it all over the d**n place.
  2. Hot Boat I have a ranger 390v 89 and love it can't wait to someday get a newer one and It will be a Ranger
  3. Chappy gets some pic up there so everyone can see your boat
  4. Snaps some pic of the v bottom so we can see it I would love to put some input on your new boat take some pics for us Jim Socalif
  5. I have a 1989 ranger 390v I know its not a skeeter but it is a skeeter eater! I have a merc 200 its almost 20 years old it still runs like new very fast smooth and I think 2 stroke last longer then 4 strokes but thats just me
  6. I have a 1989 390 v ranger I took the humingbird transducer off the back to raise it up because it was causing a huge rooster tail. I sanded the glass down and filled holes with glass and resin then sanded, and glassed the hole spot should I use a gel coat on that to ensure a seal I took some pics The piece on the left is a temp gauge I did not glass over that all though it looks that way
  7. L.a Calif I know a guy in Castaic that will beat anyone price Just let me know I went to about 4 boat shops and they all wanted between 1500 and 2000 for a 20 ft boat I can get it done with 20oz carpet for 900.00 I think that's the cheapest place in town Jim
  8. I'm also looking to xstend my deck on a 89' ranger 390v would love to find pics and plans to this Jim
  9. Well thank you everyone for the help I would love to do the wrap Does anyone know where I can get it done at. I'm in Southern Calif Jim
  10. Thanks guys I will call them mon have a great 4th and be safe
  11. Does anyone know where to get ranger trail trailer stickers for my trailer some jackass who owned the boat before me painted the stickers Do you think ranger can still make them
  12. You must be single! (or have been at the time) I know better than to make an all inclusive list of all fishing related expenses... The idea with this was purely to look at the cost of operating a boat as a local, recreational angler. Each person will have a block of costs and some will have a few more or few less, but I suspect the lists (items) would be fairly similar, even if the amounts were varied. Yes I do the same I include my tackle and food and toys for the boat in the price of fuel and maintance . Because I'm married and I would not be aloud to fish if she new the real coast heheheheeh well maybe not fish!!! but would have to explain everytime I wanted a new lure or pole or something.. Her words would be did'nt you just buy a new pole last year lol!!!!
  13. its not about the money for me I have time and tools and supply's to do it. I just want to know how and will it be worth my time and should I put gel coat with sparkle to change the hole look of the boat Since Sag can't make up there mind I'm still out of work so I have all the time in the world..
  14. again sorry about that it is a 1989 ranger 390v it is on the top of the boat like the rail part of the boat. It is gel coat here is the top of the boat and u can see the cracks in the first pic
  15. does anyone know how to fix this And is this a bad sign for things to come I'm pretty handy So if I knew the way I could do it the cracks are on the top of some of the boat on both sides Any help would be great
  16. I wear mine only under power unless I do a night tourny then I have it on the hole night. I use it like a seat belt if motor is on the jacket is on. Just be safe and always spade and neuter your pets.
  17. Sorry it is a 89 390v ranger fiber glass. We took it out today and trolled the small lake at Castaic and there was not even a drop. So it must be gushing back in when I have the big motor on. And I'm coming to a stop I always gas it a little before the wave hits me, Maybe I should slow down sooner
  18. I was wondering if anyone takes on a little water while fishing. I can't tell if its my live wells or one of the lines going to the live well, Or the drain plug is leaking. So bummed its kinda a lot of water enough that when I turn the bilge on it runs for 15 seconds with water and its red water. I checked for an oil leak nothing like that. And it takes about 3 hours to get that much water unless I move a lot
  19. Does it float ? Do you catch fish? Do you and your kids have fun? Then its good enough to post here that's a great boat and the best thing you don't have a boat payment like some of us
  20. I'm sorry I think I asked the wrong question. What I was trying to say at the end of the day do I shut off my fuel to the motor, And run it dry? And then I found a web site that said never do that if you have more then one carb.The top carb will drain first this not allowing oil and fuel to lube cylinders..
  21. Should I drain the fuel every time or just when I'm not going out for a while the motor is a merc black max 200 built in 1989 2 stroke Since I got the boat used and growing up around boats I was always told to run it out of fuel before taking it out of the water. but with me using it 2 times a week do I still have to do that or just when I store it for winter like thats going to happen I live in sunny Calif LOL!!!!!
  22. I just got a new batt at Wal Mart the have a great 18 month warranty and if you use the heck out of them thats about what you get out of them I love it last all day for me and wal mart also sells Minn Kota seels a 2 bank charger for 100.00 it works great plug it in when you get home and leave it pluged in till you go out again it only charges when the batteries drop so it keeps them full
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