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Everything posted by Socalbassmaster

  1. I never thought I would say this but who cares about the boat I want the garage WOW!!!!!! my dream house and GARAGE
  2. It seems to be the wire right at the speed control I wonder if the speed control is gone that was where the wire got hot at know where else weird
  3. I have a trolling motor question I think I may have fried it yesterday if I keep it on 3 power level the foot peddle seems to be ok when I say foot peddle I mean the wiring inside. If I put the speed on 5 the wiring well the red wire going to speed control get so hot its black now should I just through it away and get a new one or is it the speed control knob
  4. for sure I would say more like maybe 8 it looks brand new and older boats are just as good as new ones just not a lot of bells and whistles still preform the same and urs looks brand new
  5. You did such a great job on that boat brother It looks brand new I want to do that to my ranger so bad very nice if u have more pics of her out side and did you do anything with the trailer
  6. if I was you I would contact your state and see what it is going to take to get rid of all the fees I pay 58.00 on a ranger 390v Comanche I would figure out what u can do to fix that Maybe vote someone else in office Blagoyavich is not in your state is he
  7. that sucks sorry to hear that hey u can move to calif they do it here
  8. GO TO AAA they will take care of it for u even fill it out if u cant spell right
  9. I agree Speed is not the answer my ranger can do 70 tourny ready fully loaded 2 people.. I do 35-40 I want to fish not spend my time in the hospital or leave this earth to early trust me I dont need to be first to start fishing to win
  10. here is a nice way to walk that chine out very slowly turn wheel to left in a long sweeping turn and then back should walk that chine out it works for me then I play with the trim a little I can get it out all though my ranger is very smooth
  11. Save you money use the cover u have and make a PVC tripod I have a ranger cover and it still help water after it rained hard So I made a tripod if u will I used 4 2ft for feet 2 Tee's 2 90 degree elbows put the tee and glue 2 2ft pieces into each side of the tee's then place in boat see how high u need to make them to keep ur cover tight and cut them place them into the tee's place elows on them then cut the length from front to back it is easy very light and cheap to make and u cant see it with cover on
  12. Well here is the thing I bought a bass pro shop special and a nice seat post hydrolic rise for right at a hundred bring your old post so u can match it up with one that u like I am at about 350 and the seat is holding up great it is over a year old and still has a nice cush to it
  13. I have a 89 Merc black max 200 great shape the only prob is that the starter spins free like 30 times before it will catch and start. Seems to be getting worse also it seems to be heating up could it be the gauge not reading right or is it getting hot. Motor was gone through last may had new impeller put in seals and what not I checked the thermastats and the work right they open at the spec temp
  14. Now Not sure if this is for everyone but when I start to feel the chine I will make a small turn to the left till it smooths out. I agree every boat has is and you will get the feel of it and know what to do to minimize the chine seat time I'm still learning new things and I have been diving fo a long time be safe and don't over do it Like the guy said you may get there 2 min before I do but if you flip you don't fish....
  15. Congrats on the nice new boat I would love to see a lot more pic' s some of you guys fishing lets us know how she handles and if you need anything just ask around
  16. type in boat carpet on yahoo search there is stores on there that are cheap and have all the pre cut boats styles out there
  17. I drove a boat with a hydro foil and it seem like it wanted to tilt the boat to adjust for motor torq. And if you were not care full it would porpoise I raised my motor about 4 inches from where I thought would be a great start, and it seems to work better I will do more testing this week as I'm off from filming. So I will try adjusting the hyd jack plate up a little at a time till it jumps out of the water. If not I will look into a different prop. the prop now is a stainless steel prop qicksilver 48 24 pitch 3 blades
  18. I agree this is not school and if you can't read what he wrote then take your old ass off and get some glasses.And come back when your ready to be nice, who cares how he writes on the post I'm sick of people like you I again can't say this enough. I bet you got your ass kicked a lot in school being you hide behind your computer with all your big fancy ?><.,;'":/>,.,;':"/>;.,./??.;;'/ maybe he is old too and he can't type like you collage professor Give him a break this is supposed to be fun place to learn things not get made fun of.
  19. Very NIce I love it now go out and catch some big ol Bass be safe
  20. I have a 1989 ranger390v I love this boat I'm not going to go into a ticking match with people and there boats Its all on how you drive your boat, Mine handles great in rough water a lot better then a champion or Nitro But I think it is on how you learn to take rough water and as far as speed goes I have a black max merc 200 2 people on board 71 mph on the skids and it is real stable I have been in a ton of boats and this old ranger feels safer then most that I have been in shoot some pic on here so I can see her storage is my only *****.
  21. Great Job look great I can't wait to see what you do to the boat
  22. About d**n time look there are great people out there I agree a case of beer for them Great people made me smile now that happend
  23. I'am so ******* tired of people taking things that DON'T BELONG TO THEM. Sorry to say this but I hope they die thats just how I feel just hope they get hit by a duck in the head and die..SLOW
  24. Well I would start on the trailer first going threw everthing from wiring to wheels bearings. only because it stands up to the most abuse,I just lost a wheel bearing on my ranger no fun to replace so do it now, Then I like the idea of putting a floor in there it will be better to walk on a flat surface and easier for your grandfather to move around. May I suggest using treated lumber or at least seal the wood with resin before u put the top and carpet on, wood rots so fast. I like to hide everything wiring etc maybe put in a built in ice chest or live well I have seen some pretty cool idea on this site. please take pics as you move along I really love to come on here and see what people do. thank and good luck if U need help on ideas write me back I can find pic of other boats for you Jim
  25. the motor seems to be running great I get 6 thousand rpm's and once it gets up on plane look out it's supper smooth I will try to start with motor at 3 inches below skids maybe I have been putting it to low I always thought go low at first then bring it up to get max speed I will try higher and go from there
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