Howdy all!
I'm returning to bass fishing after a 20+ year detour. I grew up just west of Atlanta with a 20-acre pond in my backyard and started fishing from the time I was big enough hold a rod up. I pretty much lived and breathed bass fishing till my late teens when life started getting in the way. Fishing took a back seat and it's been there ever since. Over the past year the urge to get back into fishing has been gnawing at me. Life is as busy as ever, but I can't ignore that urge any longer. So after a little bit of Googling this looks like a great place to relearn everything bass fishing!
Stopped by the local Bass Pro Shops a couple weeks ago and out of nowhere this monkey jumps on my back and forced me to buy a new rod and reel and uhhh, well a bunch of other stuff. So I guess there's no turning back now. Heh heh. Now I just need a boat. I read several of the treads where you guys are taking old Jon boats and converting it into a small bass boat. That sounds awesome.
Wow, have things have changed since I last wet a hook. Shaky what??? At least my good old friend the Texas Rig is still around. Worms were always my favorite.
Anyway, I look forward to getting to know some of you, and catching up on all the things bass related.