Yes, the Pop-R is a different brand, its made by Rebel. Awesome bait!!
And yes I do fish these under bright sun sometimes, its not my go to bait under these condition or anything, but when they wont hit plastics, spinners, and cranks, what else is really left. Top water.
For instance, last year a buddy of mine and I went up to Toledo Bend. He lives on the lake, so he was kind of my guide for the day. We caught fish early, but by 10 o'clock, they just shut off. We fished in deep water with plastics, cranks, and even slow-rolled a spinnerbait. Nothing. I insisted that we move up a little and try something DIFFERENT! I told him to move up and I was going to thro a Pop-R. He said if I caught a fish at 1'oclock with blue bird skies, he would never fish agian. After all the fuss he moved a little shallower and I began to throw my Pop-R. In less than 5 cast I hooked up. I laughed while he sat there in amazment. He then tied one on and in two hours we were culling fish.
I don't think this would always be the case, but whwen nothing else is working, give it a try, you might be suprised.
Oh, and by the way, my buddy still fishes and he always has a Pop-R tied on, even at 1 oclock! ;D