Two years ago I bought my first boat. It was a 1989 BassCat Pantera II with a 1977 Johnson 140hp motor. The boat was perfect...or so I thought. Last March the motor quit on me and never cranked again, the marine mechanic told me it needs to be rebuilt. I said heck with that, so I bought another boat. This time a 1995 20' Nitro w/200hp Mariner. The boat ran GREAT and I bought it from a friend who had it for years and never had a problem out of it.
Well, to make a long story short, I took it out last week to run it. The trim motor had went out on me ($334), so I couldn't even launch it. I figured I might as well just back it in the water and crank it. It never cranked. I brought it to the mechanic and he said the ECU is bad and I need a new one ($1800), but I found a way to go around the ECU directly to the fuel pump (that was what the ECU wasn't running). I plan on putting on the new trim motor this Sunday, so today I went out to try out my trolling motor. It DIDN"T work! I had 24vlt going to it, so it wasn't the wiring. Now I gotta buy a new TM ($500) to even fish! This is way too expensive, but I will sell my house and live in a box before I give it up. Then theres my wife...looks like I wont be fishing for awhile after all. >
P.S. The BassCat is still for sale for $1800.