I too was looking at getting a Rage rod, but I went to Cabelas and held one. The guides were not aligned on 2 of them there and the handle was small on all models and I did not like the feel. The epoxy was cracked in many places and it has Pac Bay guides. I then picked up the Cabelas XMTLI rods, regular $199, on sale for $119. These rods felt a little lighter, had recoil guides, and much better craftmanship. I bought the XMTLI and have so far been impressed. BUT, if your looking for a rod in the $160 range, the Phenix Recon CANNOT be beat! They are the lightest rod I have ever held, built like a custom, and are super sensitive. I would highly reccomend these rods over any ohter rod under $300, besides maybe the Cumara.