Over got a few things that I think set me apart from many bass fisherman. On the other hand, I've got plenty that kick my butt. But, just for fun...
Why I'm a better tournament angler than you. This one is simple, I work harder. Just this past weekend as I was prefishing for basschamps I fished daylight to dark thirty. There were hundreds of boats on Rayburn all day, but when a storm rolled through at 4 pm, everyone left, except me. I had the lake to myself and figured something out while everyone else was back at the hotels. I caught 2 over 5 during the storm. I also fish for 5 bites. I have two patterns going on right now on Rayburn. I caught 7 all day Friday, but had a few big ones, and caught 25 Saturday but most where smaller. Most people will go catch their 5 on pattern 2 then look for a kicker with pattern 1. I plan on staying with pattern 1 looking for 5 bites. Why catch 5 fish I need to cull anyway?
Why I am a better Arig fisherman than you. I throw it and I throw it often. There are many days hat I will not get many bites on the rig, but when I do, it's a giant. Other days I may catch over 100 on it. But I throw it because I know its potential. I'm also not scared to hang it up. If I'm fishing brushpiles in 35 ft, I'll let it hit the bottom and drag I through the pile. I'll get hunt plenty, but I also catch some studs doing this.
Why im a better deep water fisherman than you. Like Catt, I understand structure much better than most. Cover is an added bonus, but structure is the first thing I look for. Channel swings, humps, ridges, ect are what I key on. Then after finding the right structure I will begin to look for key cover on said structure. Also, when I find this sweet spot, I will fish it hard. Many people go down a break line for 100's of yards fishing. I fish specific spots on these structures that hold fish. I try to maximize my time by fishing high opportunity spots rather than cover an entire ridge.
Now my weakness, no doubt, is when the fish hit the banks...at that point, I'm screwed lol.