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Everything posted by MARSH MASTER

  1. I got out yesterday from new orleans and went to killeen tx. Ya know I couldn't leave my boat so I'm gunna fish stillhouse.
  2. I'm not fishing in the same tourny as this guy
  3. The medium might be to light but with braided you can make up for it a little. I like to fish them with a fast twitch to get that reaction strike, I hardly ever pause so the fish don't get a good look at the lure. Down here in the swamp the frog is one of the top producing lures.
  4. SGT can you pm me with your adress? I'll put somethings together for the guys. Awesome Ron
  5. Frog fishing is one of the best forms of fishing imo. There is nothing better then seeing the fish come up and explode on them.
  6. Looks like the hurricane is heading my way agian so I'm going to evacuate to Texas. I stayed in Kileen for three months after katrina hit but I'm not looking to go that far. I would like to stay near Sam Raburn so if anyone can help me with a hotel room close to the lake so I could fish on my days off. I would rather get an apartment for a week If I could. Any help would be great. THANX!
  7. I usualy fish about 2 days a week trying to get better. I've been fishing since I was 4-5 with my father. I now fish alot of tournements down here. I'm trying to learn these fish but they seem to be the hardess to figure out. They are very unpredictable, they can be found in the strangest places at the strangest time. I'm now coming upon the (to me) hardess part of the year and my tournament series is starting. I can't cancel out any water right now becouse I have no idea were they could be. It seems at times I can catch 100 fish in a day but right now they're very hard to come by.
  8. I wish this information could be more helpful to me here in the swampland. I did save this so I can use this on my road trips to toledo bend or any other lake that I might visit. It just sucks that everything I read on this site or on any magazine realy doesn't help me but I take it all in anyway. Thanx for the amazing thread.
  9. 1st.- The only difference that I have seen in the red and grey is the thickness wich means more contact and better breaking. 2nd.- I don't use them in increments of 2 and I have shimanos that are 12 years old and has never needed any repair.
  10. x2 :-? i want some If ya'll are realy good santa will bring you some.
  11. Always gotta ghange it up to see what they want. That erratic retreive aslo works well on many other lures, it causes alot of reaction strikes.
  12. nope just taking it all in so don't stop know
  13. I almost bought one the other day at my local tackle shop he has them already. I will tell you on thing these reels blow away all the other curados in the past. The only reason I didn't buy it was becouse my wife was with me and I was already there to pickup the carrot stick I ordered.
  14. Rage Tail is taking over, its the future of plastics and they are going to be hard to beat. Steve realy set the bar high.
  15. There spinning reels are excelent reels. There baitcast reels are the worst reels out there. I owned both and I say "owned" becouse after using the baitcaster I brought it back after two weeks and got my $150 back.
  16. Or those guy's catching the fish I was trying to catch!
  17. She was on something she forgot her kid in the car and the keys. I got three lil girls annd I can't see forgeting I have one of them with me.
  18. Thanx fella's This tournament was a true test of my patience. I'm normally a power fisherman, a stick and move guy. This time I had to grindem out. We blasted off at 6:30 do to rain. The area I was fishing was only 5 minutes away so it wasn't to bad getting a late start. When I got there my confidence level was through the roof. It was overcast, light wind, a perfect setup for a good day. I started throwing my best topwater bait the rage tail toad. I've had realy good success with this bait here in the slop. I started catching some litle fish 14in. These wasn't going to cut it out here I needed some 3-4 pounders. Here's when I started loosing my patience. I have a group of older guy's that I eat breakfast with before our saturday fun tourny. Well two of them was out there fishing together about 300 yards away from me. I had seen them at the gas station earlyer that morning and talked to them about how I wa fishing this tournament. So they decided to come fish side by side with me on the same fish in a 80 yard stretch. This got me hot! I mean all the water we have to fish and they come side by side with me, I literaly could cast into there boat and they stayed there most of the day. That was just the begining of a tuff day. Like I said I like stickin and moven but I made myself grindem out. The wind started picking up with a squall line moving in so I was on the trolling motor constantly fighting it threw the slop. I would have to pull the trolling motor out the water every 10 minutes to pull the grass off or the wind would have its way with me. The bite was very slow but I kept chucking the bait out there none stop. I always tell my wife If I fished for a living I would die of starvation. I didn't eat nothing or drink nothing all day just fished. I am a true believer in you can't catchem if your lure isn't in the water. By 12:30 I had four good fish in the livewell and I needed to cull a litle 1 1/2 lber. This is when it started to get fun. My trolling motor broke but not to were I can't use it. The cable came off the pulley so I had to step on it hard to get it to turn. So finally I culled the little fish with a little fish that was a lil bigger. I culled this fish 3 times and all three times the weight only jumped up by fractions on a pound. I couldn't take it no more I had to make a run. It was 1:30 and I decided to run to this point were I usualy can catch a decent fish or two. So I made the run and it didn't pay off so I came back to my origanal spot for the last 40 minutes. I was determined to cull that little fish so I was making cast after cast trying to get a strike then wham a good three puonder he's on. I'm fighting him and he gets airborn a spits my hook, d**n. I didn't give up well not to I went to pick up the trolling motor to clean off the grass and the rope poped. Now I was done the straw done broke the camels back. I headed in 20 minutes early. I wasn't quite sure how many pounds I had becouse I don't weigh my fish on the boat I use a culling beam. When I got to the scale even I was suprised I thought I had about 15 or so but I ended up with 16.43 lbs. and first was 16.61 lbs. It was close.
  19. Its just the opposite the heavy line will shorten your cast
  20. It was a tuff day on the water. The wind was blowing 20mph and I was fishing in the thickest of grass. So my lures was limited as what I could throw. No worms, jigs or spinnerbaits. The buzzbait was almost not an option. I could've thrown a senko but the dinks killem down here so the bigger fish don't even get a chance.
  21. ALWAYS AND FOREVER They didn't short strike the buzzbait they would just wake up on it
  22. yes I did I poped it twitched it and more.
  23. Today I fished a tournament Down here at my local lake. The day was perfect it was overcast all day with a light shower here n there. I started the day by throwing the green pumkin with a chartruese belly rage toad. I was catching a few fish but most of them wasn't taking the bait good enough to get hooked. The lil fish would inhale it but the larger (3 lbs plus) would wake up on the bait and nip at it. I only had that color on the boat besides its the only one I've had the most success on. On the retreive I started leting the bait fall when a fish would wake up behind it. It worked for a while till I ran out of baits. I went through 3 packs of the toads becouse of the short strikes. The would eat the feet right off the bait. After I ran out I started throwing a chartruese and white buzzbait and it was the same story. I had to let the bait fall when they waked up on it in order for them to strike. I made the best of to I took second place with 16.43 lbs. I was just wondering If a color change might have made a difference with the strikes? I didn't want to experiment on the water during a tournament so I didn't try anything new. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe not I was only .2 away from first.
  24. Just wondering how many members fish tournements vs. how many don't?
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