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Everything posted by MARSH MASTER

  1. For fathers day my wife is getting me started with rod building. It's something that I have been interested in for some time after seeing all the bad*** rods built on here. So I figure let me give it a go. The thing I need is a get started list. My budget is pretty moderate I don' want to spend a whole lot of money and not enjoy it. I've been looking on mudhole at there start up kit with the dryer and other stuff. I also was planning on getting a rod kit just to farmilarize myself all the parts and steps. I haven't found a book yet so some suggestions please. So Im all ears
  2. Awesome catch wish those girls lived in my neck of the woods.
  3. I went out today to pre-fish for the media circuit down here and I put it on them. I had the best day on the water. It did however start out slow. For the first 2 hours I didn't get a sniff so I made a move. Well it was the right move, when I got to this particular hole I stuck 2 fish right off the bat. Then I flip on this bush on the point and bump bump so I set the hook and it's mule if 8 lb catfish count. I fished up a little ways and I caught a solid 3 lber (bass this time). I also snapped one of my carrot sticks in half on a 4 1/2 lber boy did that suck. I ended the day with about 16 + lbs. This should be enough for at least a top five finish. I owe this trip to the Rage Tail Craw. I would've took some pictures but it was pouring down raining.
  4. I will fill ya'll in on a little secret on landing more fish on these frogs. Turn the frog on its belly, then take a knife and were the marks are for the hook to go in cut a small incision through the bait to were the knife sticks through the other side. There should only be a 1/4 inch cut on the top of the bait so you can still skin hook. This will help the hook slide through a lot easier. Definitely use a 5\0 hook. If they aren't taking te bait try different retreives like going faster or when they wake up let it fall in front of them. use these tips and you will catch many more fish.
  5. Turn your tension completely off and learn to use your thumb. It takes alot of practice but once you learn to finesse your thumb on the spool gain accuracy and softer pitches.
  6. I think this is a joke if the bass are remembering spinnerbaits don't you think it took them long enough? How long have anglers been throwing these baits? I bet if you told Hank Parker this he would laugh. I think anglers are looking to deep into this and loosing confidence.
  7. Really with the size of there brain how long do ya'll think there memory is? I believe you can catch the same bass on the same bait the very next day maybe not in the same spot. Bass are predator's of opportunity I don't believe they're like a lion and go and stalk there prey. They wait for the right time when they're feeding. Think about this. If your fishing bedding bass and you catch the buck off the bed. You put the buck back in the water and he goes right back and will hit it again.
  8. I'll be there for sure and fluke we need to get together to eat some crawfish man we in louisiana. Ya know you gotta suck the heads right.
  9. I'm down since it's a shallow runner
  10. I second that Rino
  11. Look I fish frog nearly year round down here in the swamps and the Rage Tail is by far the best on the market as far as any frogs go. As far as hollow body frogs are concerned I only throw the Scum frog. Hey Big-O if your listening Rage Tail should come out with a hollow body frog with the Rage Tail design but don't forget the trailer hook.
  12. The next world record is going to come from the water duh!
  13. I finally got my wife out on the boat other than to tan. She was getting frustrated because the fish didn't jump in the boat. It was a true test of my patience but I enjoyed every minute of it. It was a nice three pound-er that put up a good fight for her. All in all we had a good time but I think it will be a while before she goes with me again. I know she has an Okuma in her hand I can't start her out on the Shimano's the first time out.http://www.axcessmypics.com/photos/photo02/72/3c/ec555cb91571.jpg
  14. RW just messin nothing personal. I usualy take in to consideration everything ya'll have been saying for the most part. I just have to start paying alittle more attention to the different applications. Tell me what ya'll think about this. I was talking to a fellow angler before a tournament about this and he said the other day he was missing fish becouse he couldn't figure out the right weight. I didn't think it got that technical am I wrong or can this be possible?
  15. Sam where are you from?
  16. I ain't saying no names but the initials are RW
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