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Everything posted by MARSH MASTER

  1. Hands down a senko. It can be dead sticked very slow. It can be T-rigged or c-rigged. You can also work it like a jerk bait or fluke. Just add weight to it and it will go as deep as you want through ANY cover there is. Wacky rig it you name it the senko is the most versatile bait there is. Can I get a amen?
  3. I wouldn't worry about the temp changing that little bit. I would check the pressure.
  4. Go to the other lakes catch those fish and release them in that lake closest to you. eventualy you will catch those fish again.
  5. Nothing beats flipping or pitching a Rage craw or jig into the thickest bush. I mean the places most people wouldn't think to place a bait. Next would be draging a weightless senko across a thick mat and letting it fall into the holes.
  6. my buddy was having the same excact problem a few weeks ago. look at the space you have from the belly of the bait to the belly of the hook it has to be greater then the thickness of the bait. i recomend 5/0 flipping hook or bigger
  7. To me jig fishing is no different then t-rig. Don't get caught up in a bunch of colors keep it simple match the surroundings with like watermelon or pumpkin. For real stain water black and blue. I will throw huge in the nastiest of places. I will use a 3/4 football jig and throw it in the middle of a bush. I like banging that big head off the sticks. I also always use rattles with a rage craw trailer because I feel it moves more water. Jmho
  8. Very nice build it realy stands apart. RM all this hype about the NFC blanks has me holdin out also.
  9. When you fish Rage Tail hold on!
  10. check out rod building tutorials.com under grips and seats. I've done it and it not that easy.
  11. I did paint under the wraps that is a pencil mark I didn't catch till later.
  12. The rod was a falcon origanal that I rebuilt. The only thing I didn'y change was the guides. I put a new real seat a turned the eva grips and put a whole lot a time in it. The only thing I don't like about the rod is the guide wraps they look like ole school tube socks.
  13. I just finish this rod for a freind so he better like it. The theme he went with is the colors of his allstar baseball team.
  14. Just about any tackle shop will have what you need. all you need is thread and some finish opoxy.
  15. I'm actually in the process of that right now. If you boil the reel seat it will come loose. The problem I'm having is that I'm doing a casting rod and don't have a big enough pot to submerge the seat. I found this method rod building.com
  16. Thanx! The finish needs a little touching up in one area but it's not major just a little low. The part I'm having trouble with is the chevron. Keeping the thread tight.
  17. I've been wondering what I can do with my new found hobbie then I came across the tiger wrap and was imediatly hooked I had to try so here it is tell me what ya think. My nrxt one is going to be purple and gold (LSU)
  18. I used gudebrod nylon without color protector
  19. Does all the thread dry so dark after the finish is on? I have a few rods to repair how do i take the old finish off?
  20. Well I did and I can't be more excited about it. I ordered the 7' medium fast mudhole spinnig split grip rod kit in black. When everything came in a tornado couldn't pull me away from the table. I laid everything out, went over all the steps, built my reamer and I was off. I started by spinnig the rod then reaming the grips. I couldn't step away from it even to eat. I filled all my guides then wrapped them with a charcoal colored thread. All the wrap's were nice and tight and looked realy well. I finally finished the wrap's this morning so I figured I should post while they're drying. It's just a basic build but I want to try different things so I can add to it. well heres some pics.
  21. Thanx fellas hope to have my first rod built in a few weeks. I will defently post some pics and there will be some help needed so I'll be in tuoch.
  22. I know I can read this and read that but I want to hear everybody's opinion.
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