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Everything posted by sage

  1. Lake Breeze motel. Nothing fancy but clean. Power hook ups for boat. I’ve stayed there for 20 years never a problem . Super nice people. It’s about 2 miles from PIB.
  2. No,Just a small local lake. Keystone Lake
  3. My brother and I caught 45 bass in 5 hours on Saturday. Top 5 went 18# Most were caught on crankbaits and drop shots.
  4. Western pa here. Butler County
  5. I can say I live near erie and have caught tons of big smallmouth. My brother lives in Northern California. I have fished out there quite a bit. This spring I caught a 5 1/2 # spotted bass at San Pablo that was the strongest bass I’ve ever caught. I love fishing for both.
  6. My 20 ft pontoon with a 20 hp did 7 mph. It was painfully slow on lakes like moraine and pymatuning. When the winds kicked up it really wasn’t safe. It was hard to go into the wind barely making any head way. A kicker would be your best bet then you would be good for Shenango,presque isle bay,river and any other unlimited or limited lakes. If you’re only using kicker on occasions you could find a nice used remote long shaft 20 hp for half of new price. Motors will tie together so steering will work for both. Just remember it’s easier if both motors run the same fuel so you don’t have two different styles.
  7. My brother fishes Del valle almost every weekend. He has been doing pretty good slow rolling spinner baits and red eye’s targeting smallmouth and picking up some nice largemouth. This past weekend he said he caught a lot of trout while bass fishing.
  8. I don't know if you know anyone with a ozone machine but I bet it would work. I use mine to get the wet dog smell out of my truck. Also take wife's cigarette smell out. Never had anything it didn't work on.
  9. They were in tight to shore. Either in fallen trees or weeds. Only thing we noticed if there was a ton of blue colored algae on surface. We didn't get a bite. Once out of it. Bite picked up again.
  10. It's open. Fished again today. 22 bass. Same pattern. Biggest just short of 7 lbs. 3 over 4lbs. A lot of 2.5 to 3.5lbers.
  11. My brother and I caught 20 bass today at Del valle. Most were about 3#. Bass were in tight to cover. Caught 15 of them flipping pumpkin baby brush hogs with ends dipped in chartreuse. Used 3/16 oz tungsten weights. Going again tomorrow. Hopefully find a few bigger girls.
  12. Yes 20 hp
  13. Nice fish. Lake Arthur?
  14. I bought my 3/4" diameter fiberglass rods that are 10 feet long from McMaster Carr for $28.68 a piece. I made the rod holders and mounted on to front of boat and one on back. Ground a point on one end to easily push into lake bottom.
  15. This past season I caught I was fishing the river using a drop shot. I caught about a 6" rock bass as I was reeling it in a 40" musky swallowed it up. After about a 15 minute fight I brought him to the boat. The musky was never hooked just to stubborn to let go. ?
  16. I just bought my 2nd KVD crank bait rod from amazon. A 7'4" mh For $80 free shipping. I paid $149 for my last one a few years ago. Love the rod.
  17. Thanks Bluebasser86 is making me a batch.
  18. One piece. They make a mold that does 1/8 to 9/16 oz. I just didn't want to get into making them. Thought maybe someone made them to buy.
  19. I'm looking to buy weights in 1/8 or 3/16 oz, 1/4 oz, 3/8 oz and 1/2 oz. Is there any place that sells them either painted or not. My cousin made me a bunch a few years ago but got out of doing it and sold his molds.
  20. Sounds great. Thank you
  21. I'm flying to California and staying with my brother in San Ramon. I'll be there December 23rd till January 2nd. Looking to due some bass fishing while I'm there. Any lakes I should look at during this time of year. I was looking at diamond valley reservoir. I see I can rent an aluminum bass boat there. Any other spots that might be good and also rent boats. Also what baits should I key on. I'm from Pa so I'll be shipping my rods and gear out so wanted to weed out unnecessary gear. Thanks for any starting points.
  22. I've caught all the standards turtles,snakes,rocks. The best one I've ever witnessed was in a evening bass tournament at low light a team running a shoreline beside us caught a raccoon. The guy tossed a spinnerbait towards shore and it hung up in some brush. While trying to yank it out the coon grabbed it and hooked it's paw. That was the funniest thing I've ever seen watching the coon get reeled in. The guy finally got him loose with a couple jerks of the rod by the boat. To tell the truth I was hoping he was dumb enough to swing him over the side and watch all heck break loose. Lol
  23. KBBC is a 2 man team series. We fish 7 tournaments plus top 40 teams fish the classic championship. We fish Raystown lake, Lake Arthur, Pymatuning, Shenango, Lake Erie, We also fish the river starting at the point. A lot of really good fishermen in the series. If you would like more information I'd be happy to help out. Also there's a Tuesday night series 6pm to 9pm on the allegheny river rotating different locks each week. And a Wednesday night series 6pm to 10 pm on lake Arthur.
  24. I use Attwood instant Hull cleaner. It's like $6.00 for a 32oz bottle at Walmart. Works great on my painted Lowes hull. Gets all the stained river grime off my boat.
  25. I have a 1998 170w it has no wood floors. They are aluminum. I love my boat , $5000 seems very reasonable to me if motor compression checks out fine. I love the layout of mine and with 2 live wells it's nice for tournament fishing when temperatures get warmer.
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