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Lars O

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Everything posted by Lars O

  1. One last question. I smoke, yes I know it will kill me. Does that have any affect on anything? Like the scent on my lures?
  2. Thanks for the advice guys. I read a lot more. I am starting to understand a lot of the science and behaviors involved behind this now. My oldest and I are real excited about getting out on a new lake tomorrow. His friend all brings home loads of bass from there. I got the whole summer off til I start college in the fall. I am going to have a lot of time to learn what I am doing. It will also be nice to have people teach me what to do.
  3. I got a 7ft catfish rod with and open reel (string exposed). I want to fish for bass and catfish. Today I tried for bass. I am sure I had some decent hits. I was mostly waiting for it to run once it had it. Thinking now this is a bad idea. I read about 20 or so of the articles already. I was using plastic worms today. I didn't have them on the hook right I found out after reading. I think tomorrow I will try night crawlers.
  4. Hi! I'm Lars. I am a 32 yr old dad of three. I retired from the Air Force and Illinois gave me a fishing license for life. I decided I would use it and, I went to Wal-Mart and bought 2 rods and some fishing stuff. Figured with a state park 5 minutes from my house I could fish with my kids. I have no clue what I am doing. I caught a blue gill once when I was 12 with a canepole and a worm. That sums up my knowldge and experience. I have been reading around the website about equipment and strategies. I went today with my son for about 2 hours. here are my two biggest questions. 1. How do I know when I have a bite? 2. What do I do then? Thank you, Lars
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