A great casting, inexpensive outfit, (and one of my favorites), sold at Dick's is the Daiwa Capricorn 100 XTC reel. This one has 8 bearings and one of the best magnetic cast controls on the market. It sells for $59.99.
My rod is a medium action Shimano Convergence rod, 6'6". Mine was a clearance rod that I paid <$20 for. I see them for $29.99, there. I have the reel spooled with 12# Hybrid US line. This outfit effortlessly casts unweighted super flukes and like lures. The rod has plenty of backbone and feel.
I really like the Daiwa Magforce system, (I still have a PMA 10 from the 80s that I love). It is easy to learn on, as the highest mag setting makes it almost unbacklashable, (is that a word, it should be ). As you come to know the reel, backing down on the cast control will give you very long distances. Targeting is much more precise with a baitcaster than a spinning outfit, for me, so I prefer this type of setup.
Good luck, and welcome to the world of baitcasting. 8-)