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  1. Obviously some people take fishing a little more seriously then others. I think we can all say we love to be on the lake fishing, yes it's alot better if were catching fish but at least were out there trying. And if were out with a friend or a loved one that makes it even better. This isn't a post of how we should tell people how they should fish, its a post of how we feel when were done fishing for the day.
  2. ...lure gets re-tied after every fish caught
  3. Welcome to bass fishing Lars, The really cool part is your doing this with your son, that in it's self is worth the money spent. Maybe what you might want to do is find out when your son's friend is going to the lake and watch what he does. It sounds like you may have found out how to rig the worm but a good way to rig them is texas rig. If you go to YouTube and do a search on texas rig they will show you how to set it up. This is probably the easiest way for both you and your son to fish for bass, it can be very addicting once you get the hang of it. Good luck
  4. ...and alot of times if there not biting that 15th cast to the same spot might get'em ticked off and they'll strike it.
  5. Hey boys, I'm new to the site but I thought I would give my 2 cents. The Texas rig is probably the easiest way to fish for bass and one of the best ways I think to teach your kids if you have kids. My son and I were out on a lake here in MN on Sunday and he used nothing but the Texas rig, primarily pumpkin color and he kicked my butt. So do you think he let me forget that!!! But I did get the biggest one on a jig with a little pork hanging off it. I need to leave him home and go out and practice ;D
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