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Everything posted by steltz

  1. What type of Curado should I buy? You guys got me excited about buying something new. Although I bought that Pinnacle yesterday. HAHA. I payed 70 bucks for it, and I just found it on ebay for 25 Aww well. I about to head to Table Rock, so I needed a baitcaster anyway. Im also thinking about buying another Pinnacle, but this time the Matrix II. http://www.silstar.com/guide/breels_matrix.html What do you guys think of this reel just by looking at the specs? Just because it has more bearings then most reels, does that necessarily mean its better?
  2. I just got my first baitcaster.,, I can't believe no one has a Pinnacle. I have an Extant HS its great. I guess that I dont know any difference because its the only Baitcaster I have ever used, but its nice. I also have a spinner a shimano and a daiwa spincast from like 1975
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