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    <p>Katy, TX</p>

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  1. No, I haven't found any certificates yet. Been looking at boats a lot though. My wife is ready to buy me any boat I want just get me to shut up about bass boats. ;D ;D I am trying to decide whether I would rather go used and get a little bigger/nicer boat or go new. I am usually not happy when I buy used stuff unless I know the owner well as I am painfully particular about maintaining vehicles. I am not in a huge rush. I was planning to buy this fall so I will just keep looking till I find a certificate or a boat that I can't live without.
  2. Thanks. That's good info. I didn't know it worked like that. I don't follow or participate in tournament fishing so I was unaware. How would one go about finding someone with a certificate for sale? eBay or ?????
  3. What is a tournament boat certificate?
  4. What do you guys think of the Ranger 185 vs. I do not fish tournaments. I just like to fish. I have a runabout but am looking at getting a bass boat. Anybody know what the MSRP is? Would it pay to get a bigger boat. I fish lakes that aren't real big (mostly under 20k acres) and don't normally get real rough.
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